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It's funny how depression works, you're life could be perfect and you have straight A's and a bank a account with more zeros than you can imagine. You can be friends with everyone you know and have the best relationship with the best lover that loves you the best and you love just as much.
And then one day you wake up at four in the morning and you can't stop the tears rolling down your face,
wiping off the mascara you forgot to take of from when you went to a little party with your friends.
And the worse part is, depression isn't like most illnesses.
You don't learn about it in high school health,
like you do with others.
It doesn't come with a manual to know whether you have it or not.
The only way to figure out is to go to a therapist but you don't see the need to because,
you just think it's a phase.
A phase that you go through every day. And it comes to the point where it's like a drug.
When you don't have it, it feels as it somethings missing,
like you already know that tomorrow you won't be able to get out of bed because of it,
your head starts hurting.
Without the constant sadness depression gives you, you don't know what to feel.

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