7 Recover

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"This is ridiculous!" You complained as you threw a heartless at another one so hard that it killed them both. That Sora imposter had left you with an unnecessarily large amount of heartless, and were stuck getting rid of them before you could move on. Luckily, you all were just about done.

"You're telling me. I just found out I have a long lost twin!" Sora exclaimed kicking the last heartless towards Riku. "And he's evil!"

"Don't be jump to any conclusions. It probably a coincidence that you two look alike." Riku sighed as he stepped out of the way of the kicked heartless.

"One hell of a coincidence." Zack shook his head letting his sword fall on the last heartless. "Either way, we should get out of here. There's no way we're gonna get these things running again." You nodded in agreement and followed him out the room.

"Does this place have backup generators?" Sora asked as you all walked down the dark and somewhat eerie halls.

"I think it does, but I don't know where they are." You answered, looking back to the POWER room. You left your flashlight there, but decided against going back for it. "Do you know?" you turned to Zack.

"No, I don't." he shook his head with a sigh.

"Well if we don't know, there's a good chance that enemy doesn't know either." Riku spoke up

"Yeah, I guess we just have to wait and see if they power on." You nodded as you all continued walking.


Ichigo had ran as fast as he could. He ran out of the base, evaded most heartless, and helped the few soldiers he passed by. Soon, he reached the edge of the base. His breathing were heavy, but still he sprinted forward. He needed to get to the housing district as fast as possible. That's where the families of soldiers and commanders stayed. That's where Ichigo's two sisters were. He needed to make sure they were safe.

Quickly he passed by familiar houses, both unnerved yet relieved that area seemed to be quiet.

"Yuzu! Karin! Open the door!" Ichigo yelled as practically ran into the front door to his house.

"Ichigo?" he heard a muffled voice question.

"Yuzu! It's me." Ichigo said trying to catch his breath. He heard the sounds of the locks opening then saw his sister's face peek through the door. Once she saw his face, she opened the door completely to let him in.

"Are both of you all right?" he questioned as he pushed past her to look for Karin. Yuzu re-locked the door as Karin came in from another room.

"We're fine." Karin sighed, "but what's going on? Some alarm went off, so we went into shut down mode."

"its... its nothing " Ichigo very blatantly lied. Still, he felt himself relax now that he was in front of both of his sisters.


For the rest of the day, the base began recovering from the unexpected attack. Most of the heartless were dealt with and there were almost no casualties. After a few hours the power returned to the base. Most everyone in the base was trying to get things back to normal. You and the other SS were told to survey the halls and help anyone who needed it.

"We leave for one day, and he whole base loses its mind!" Yuffie exclaimed as she walked into the science division, followed by Cloud and Tifa. The day was winding down and all the SS were now gathered there.

"Give it a rest." Sora mumbled, much less enthusiastically than you were used to seeing him. Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa all gave him a weird look, clearly not expecting him to be so down.

"He's had a rough day." Zack tried to explain while putting a reassuring hand on Sora's shoulder.

"I'll bet." Cloud responded, taking in how tired everyone looked.

At that time Raven walked in, "Alright kiddies, get to bed. I know today was a long day, but you ain't getting any breaks tomorrow."

You nodded at this, along with a few others.

"Take advantage of any rest time you get." Raven continued, as you all dispersed to head to your rooms.


Authors note:

Sooooo..... I know its been like years since I've updated this and then this chapter is like a sentence long...

srry! :3 I kinda forgot about this story, but today I rediscovered it!! So I wanted to show you all that I'm not dead and neither is this story. lol The next update will not take year and will be longer~ I promise~~

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