2 Roommates

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Soon after your short conversation with Ichigo he left, saying something about going to talk to Lazard. You were then left to relax on your bed, that is… until there was a knock on your door. You slowly made your way to the door, while answering with a relaxed, "Who is it?"

Before anyone could answer though you opened the door to see Raven giving a cheesy grin with the 11 people you had just said goodbye to standing behind him.

"Hey there {Name}.'' The old man started with a tone that told you he was trying to suck up to you.

"What do want?" You sighed eyeing the rest of the group, some which were waving hello to you.

"Well you see, something came up, so I'm not going to be able to put these scampers to bed. I was hoping you could show them to their rooms."
You sighed, about to respond when he interrupted. "That's great! I knew I could count on you," He said quickly shoving a clip board into your arms then scurried away.

"No! Wait!" You called out to him but it was obvious that he was not coming back.

"Raven...." you mumbled darkly before turning your attention towards everyone else.
"Hey, uh... I guess I'm doing this," You said awkwardly glancing at the clip board. It had all their names and the rooms they were to be staying in.

"Better you than that old fart!" Yuffie chimed.

"Right." You mumbled still observing the chart. "Well let’s get this show on the road." 
You started walking towards the stairs that led to the second story of the building.

"Sora and Riku, follow me. The rest of you, stay put." 
As you walked up the stairs with boys behind you, you asked, "So Riku I hear you're a beast at pool. That true?"

"Huh?" He was caught off guard by the question, but almost instantly regained composure. "I'm pretty good."

This caused Sora to scoff.

"Pretty good? He never EVER loses. I pretty sure that winning at pool is secretly one of the powers that he got." Sora said while nodding completely confident in his accusation as you three passed multiple doors. You laughed at the thought.

"If that was true Sora, then why did I always win even before the experiments started?" Riku challenged with a smirk.

"I've actually been thinking about that, and I think that it’s possible you were experimented on before the Super Soldier project even started." Sora continued unfazed by Riku's question.

"Oh, of course Sora. I just don't have any memory of it for some reason."

"Maybe you do, but you're keeping it a secret."

You couldn't help but laugh at the two, "Would you guys mind settling this another time?" You asked with a smirk. "We're here."
You stopped in front of door.

"This our room?" Riku asked while Sora opened the door revealing a room much like yours, except instead of gym equipment there was a second bed.

"This is great!" Sora exclaimed claiming one the beds. "Now we don't have to share with Zack and Terra."

"Aw, you don't like them?" You asked with s raised eyebrow ad you leaned against the door frame.

"That's not it. It’s just, now we have more room for ourselves." Riku explained now seating on the other bed. 

"Yeah, the other room sure did feel crowded. Hey, we got lucky that put us together." Sora said turning to Riku.

"Lucky? Why is that?" You interjected.

Super Soldier (KH/FF/Others)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ