♫ Just A friend || Part One.

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  • Dedicated to People who like their friend but are too afraid to confess || a friend of mine

This is not in any way a form to embarrass our friends..

"Hey Jake," I grinned as he got on Skype.

"Hey RonRon." He smirked at me.

I groaned," I told you not to call me that."

He laughed and asked," What's up?"

I shrugged," I dyed my hair black."

"No.. I wouldn't have noticed." He said sarcastically.

I laughed," No, you wouldn't have Jake, you never do."

"I do too." He defended himself.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"What about that time I skateboarded into your date on time?"

"You did," he asked as his eyebrows went up.

I rolled my eyes as I laughed and nodded," Yeah, you're girlfriend didn't like that though..."

I trailed off as I tried not to laugh at how she'd glared at me.

"Why do you two hate each other?" Jake asked and I started getting nervous.

"Hey Jake got to go, Mom's calling me." I said and hung up as he started talking no she's n--.

I wouldve laughed if I wasn't so pissed.


His girlfriend.

All he ever talks about.

It's so annoying.

Addie this, Addie that.

Gosh, I wanna grab him and her and toss them into the ocean.

That way I won't have to listen to them be all together and stuff.

I grabbed my longboard and went downstairs to the street.

- - -

The next day

I hesitated as I saw the video call from Jake but moved the mouse and clicked accept.

"Hey RonRon the stalker." Jake's face grinned at me from the computer screen.

I glowered at him and smirked," Hey JakeyWakey."

His smirk faded and he shook his head, groaning," Don't call me that, I hate that dumb nickname.""

I smirked and stroked my imaginary beard," I feel a sense of deja vu."

He rolled his eyes," Touche, te amo"

[ Te amo means I love you ]

I laughed and rolled my eyes before saying," What's up?"

"The sky and the rainbows." he replied.

"Touche, but no te amo."

He put his hand over his heart and pretended to be hurt," You wound me RonRon."

I rolled my eyes but laughed," Hey--"

I was cut off by another familiar voice," Hey ronnie."

"Joshy!" I smiled and waved.

"Heyyy budddddy," He drawled as he came into view, dancing like a weirdo.

He stopped," Hey guys, hey jake, hey Ronnie, how are you, you're good? That's awesome, I don't really care." He rambled but then stopped.

"Erm Josh?" I asked as he kept staring down," What are you doing?"

He kept staring down and ignored me," JOSH!"

He blinked and stared back at me," Hey ronnie, hey jake, heyyy."

"What were you doing?"

"There was an ant passing by and it was tiny and um yeah..." He trailed off as we kept staring at him like he was an alien.

"Um yeah,I'll stop, just wanted to say hi." He flashed me a grin and left singing Im sexy and I know it.

"You're not!" I screamed after him and heard him scream back," Am too."

- - -

After Josh left Jake and I were arguing about his girlfriend and why we hated each other, Josh came back.


I looked at him as he got quiet," It wants to take me back to it's house."

I made a face as he said it seriously," Um Josh, you're weird."

"NO I'M NOT!" he screamed and started dancing towards the door singing his cheese song," Uh give me cheese i want my cheese please louise give me cheese cheese please louise."

He stopped exactly under the door and looked at the computer," Hey ronnie, guess what?"


He stroke a pose and trailed his hands down his abs ," IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT."

"Yes Josh, you are sooo sexy..." I stopped," Not!"

"Heyy !" He muttered faking hurt," I'm gonna go now, that ant is freaking me out."

I laughed under my breath and stared at the computer awkwardly because Jake and I were alone after what Josh said.

"So... yeah... anywayy."

"Erm, um I gotta go to the beach with Josh and Campbell, erm Talk to you later."

I opened my mouth to say bye but stopped as I saw that he'd hung up on me.

jerk. I sent to him before logging off.

- - -

I sat on couch as I played a game on my iPhone with Snow white lying on the floor next to me.

The game was put on pause as I got a call from Jake.

"Ugh, come on, I almost beat my record." I groaned and showed the phone to my Dalmatian," Should I answer?"

She didn't answer and I took that as a no so I pressed decline.

I unpaused my game and continued playing until I got a call from Josh.

I groaned and pressed accept.

"Dude, you and Jake made me loose the game." i whined as I answered.

"Um this isn't Josh, it's um Jake."

akward... I thought as I looked at Snow White.

I leaned down to talk to her," Isn't this akward, yes, yes it is."

Oh god. I'm talking to a dog.

"Ok.. what's up?" I asked as I put the phone to my ear again.

We did not in any way stop this to torture our friends, no.

We are very nice peopl---

you know what, just just no, read on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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