♫ Angel ( Part two )

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Alli's Pov

I stood there shocked.

I replayed Kat's words in my head over and over, trying to find a hidden message in her words.

'I'm sorry alli. I love you. Please always remember that.'

What did she mean?

My phone blasted 'Cat daddy' and I couldn't help but dougie my way to my phone.

My mood was ruined as I read the message .

'Hey alli. I'm so sorry ! I really am. I just can't be here right now. Not after Cody neglected my feelings. I'm sorry. I'm going with my dad.



I scowled and ran upstairs screaming,' Codyyy !'


I was strumming the guitar thinking about Kat.

She was so beautiful, nice, and she was my friend.

She was a true inspiration.

But I wished we could be more than just friends sometimes.

But she didn't like me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door.

I laid my guitar gently next to my bed before heading to open the door.

I opened the door and stood there shocked as I saw katherine standing there looking nervous.

'Katherine ?' I asked confused.

'Hi Cody.' she grinned at me and gave me a slight wave.

Why was she here ?

Why was she nervous ?

A million questions ran through my mind but I voiced only one of them out loud,' kat, What Are you doing here ?' I asked her.

I was confused.

Why was she here ?

In my room ?

Usually she was with alli dancing in her room and ...

'Um I have to tell you something' she said standing next to my computer.

I sat down in my bed and looked at her. 'What's wong angel ?' I asked, concerned.

She took a deep breath and looked down saying,'Um okay listen and don't interrupt okay?'

I nodded my head slightly motioning for her to continue.'Um okay so um I liked you since we met and I wanted to tell you before--,' she stopped and shook her blond curls but I was beyond shocked already.

She liked me ?

Like, Cody me ?

I stood there gaping at here as she continued,' I mean I just wanted to tell you.' she looked up at me.

She liked me ?

Seriously ?

Was this a dream ?

A really horrible prank ?

A prank...

A thought ran through my head,' Is this some kind of joke? Did alli dare you to do this?,' I asked but regretted it as soon as I saw her face.

Her eyes glazed over in tears but she held them back and managed to say,' No it's just the truth.' before running out my room.

I stood there for a while replaying what had just happened with a

dumb smile on my face until I heard a loud scream followed by a infamous,'CODYYY !' from ally.


Katherine's POV

I'm at the airport and i'm bored ! Like reallyy boredd !

I Sighed sadly before digging through my duffle bag and finding my iPod, which i turned on.

While it was turning on, i rethought what i did.

How dumb was i ?

To think a celebrity like Cody Simpson would like me ?

Me of all people !

God i'm so dumb !

I Shook my head to clear my thoughts before putting my iPod on shuffle and putting my light blue earbuds in my ears.

I Leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes while humming to 'Jar of hearts.'

It fit my mood perfectly :/

Stupid Feelings !

Stupid me !

Grr ! I  thought as 'Angel' by cody came up.

I Swear god did this on purpose !

Gosh why did i have to have such feelings for him ?

why couldn't it be a simple aussie boy ?

I Rolled my eyes and ripped the earbuds out before shutting off my iPod and dozing off to sleep. 


I woke up as the plane started landing.

I smiled brightly as i stared out the window .

I Sighed. A New beggining.

I Rolled out of my seat to see my dad getting our things and started stretching before heading out.


My eyes widened as i heard a familiar voice echoe throughout the airport.

'Did you think i'd let you get far from me without my answer to your feelings ?'

I rolled my eyes as i saw alli behind him eating popcorn while watching us intently.

Alli will never change.

She stopped chewing on her popcorn and said,' Heyy ! That's right missy ! how dare you leave me alone with that ?', dramatically as she pointed at Cody.

I Laughed as cody mocked sadness and rejection as he replied back with a 'HEYY !'

He laughed with me afterwards and continued walking towards me before grabbing my hand and hugging me, while saying,I've liked you for some time now too.'

he leaned back and winked at me as alli rolled her eyes before grabbing us and pulling us to a plane saying,' Come on lovebirds you'll have plenty of time for that back at home.'

I frowned at that and replied with a,' Sorry i can't go back with you guys. I'm here to stay with my dad.'

I tugged my fingers slighltly out of cody's hand and backed away, still frowning.

Alli made a face and said,' Pshh yeah i know sorry--,' she cleared her throath.'It's not like cody called your dad and talked to him while crying his eyes out and you know it's cool.'

She looked as if she was about to start laughing at any minute.

I Looked at cody who was blushing like mad and smiled at him.

I giggled at him a bit before hugging him tighly.

He seemed shock at first but then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer before whispering,'Sorry Angel, you might just have to come back to Australia with me until this thing is cleared.'

He chuckled and i smiled.

'I Just might. By the way wayy by do you call me angel ?'


Hehe okay so ima make another quick spinoff of this and tell cody's story.

About why he calls kat angel.

Did you like it ?

i decided if it was gonna be realistic it couldn't be too mushy...

so i added ally. LoL ^_^

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