The Representatives of War

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The dragon of Wind above or to the left. 

3rd P.O.V. 

(Time- 3:00 am) 

The F.A. (First awaken) started to regain consciousness, they all saw that they were in the living room, but only one was out of the ordinary. 

" Why is the mutt holding you tightly, and why were you laying your head on his chest?" Asked Victoria 

" How should I know, I was knocked out the same amount of time as the rest of you." He responded 

" But why are they here, why did they stay with us. Couldn't they carry us to our rooms or something?" Olivia said with a harsh tone 

" Oh shut up, let them do what they want. After all they did stay with us." Responded Pearl 

As their conversation continued, someone approached Felix.

" People are coming in the morning." One of the Amazonian warrior told him, turning and going back to her post. 

" So they're finally coming for a visit, huh." Felix said with a smile. Felix snapped his fingers making the King's vault reopen. He placed his hand on a long box, once he did the symbol of the zodiac Aquarius appeared and opened, unsealing a triton. 

" Grab it Pearl." Felix said with Pearl having a scared expression on her. She walked over to the triton and she felt this urge to wield the weapon. Once she had it in her hands she felt this rush of power and confidence. 

" It's a gift from your mother. She sent it to me for safe keeping about a year ago with a note specifying to give it to you when you were ready. And I will teach you how to use it just like the god of the seas himself." Felix explained to her with a smile, and Pearl running and hugging him. 

" But why did that weird symbol thing appear when you touched it." asked Olivia 

" It's the symbol of the most well know water bearer, Aquarius. The kingdom that Pearl comes from are considered direct decedents of Aquarius." Felix explained 

" Wait I have a question, why did that warrior told you that people are coming in the morning?" Asked Victoria 

" Well I guess you'll have to wait until the morning." Felix said with a smile walking in the direction of his room 

(10:30 am) 

Aiden's P.O.V. 

I woke up from the floor, me laying my head on a pillow and with a blanket. Guess Felix woke up earlier than me. I looked around and the rest of the guardians that fainted yesterday were not there just Bradley, Iris, and Lili. I got up and heard metal clashing together, so I slowly started to walk to the backyard and saw Felix training with Pearl each holding a triton but Felix holding a golden one while Pearl was holding a sliver one. But that wasn't what caught my attention, what caught my attention was that Felix was wearing these white sweatpants that were some what close to his legs, which showed his ass and he got an ass. 

" Staring at your lover." Someone said behind me, making me jump and turn but relaxed when I saw it was my grandmother 

" Grandma, don't say stuff like that, people will hear you." I said looking at her 

" Okay fine, looking at your future husband." She said with a smile 

" Not funny at all you know." I responded 

" Oh you know that i'm playing child, aye but fate can work in mysterious ways." She said wiggling her eyebrows making me smile. I didn't see when Felix walked passed me, saying " Well don't you look cute smiling." and walking into his room 

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