The Journey Part 1

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The goddess of memory, Mnemosyne.

Felix 's P.O.V

I woke up about 4 hours before the rest and I guess I should do that thing I need to do. I went to the living room and towards my bookshelf. I pulled out the hollow books and grabbed my box. I opened the box and pulled out the card for the goddess of memory, Mnemosyne, and called her. I signaled her to follow me and we entered the room where Victoria, Bradley, and Aiden where sleeping at.

" Copy and insert the memories of the spells: demonic light, demonic storm, wolf hunt, and Dracula's coffin." I said to her followed up by the manifestations of the memories I asked her to copy and inserting the spell demonic light and demonic storm to Victoria, wolf hunt to Aiden, and Dracula's coffin to Bradley. I walked out the room and towards the other room and opening seeing the crazy positions they slept in.

" Please copy and insert the spells: demonic light, galactic metria, elemental helix, river of light, Olympus' wrath, mermaids cursed song and Orion's Belt." I said with her manifesting the memories and giving the spells demonic light, river of light, and galactic metria to Lili, elemental helix to Olivia, mermaids cursed song to Pearl, and galactic metria, Olympus' wrath, Orion's Belt to Iris. With all the things finished I thanked Mnemosyne and disappeared. I place her card back to the box and hide the box in the hollow books in the self. I walked to my bathroom and decided to take a shower to relax.

<3 hours later>

" hurry up you slow ass person!" Shouted Aiden from the other side of the door

" Can't you tell that the door is not locked you dumb ass!" I shouted back with him entering my room with his torso exposed and god damn it looked good

" Enjoying the view again?" He said grabbing the shirt that was on the bed he slept on

" I can't help it that you look like that and don't show it off as much." I said in response but left immediately out of the room and waited outside

<an hour later>

" I have a bad feeling that something bad's going to happen in the ceremony" I said to Victoria

" Your just paranoid, like always" She said with a little laugh

" I'm never paranoid, its just a feeling that's all." I said walking to meet everyone outside

" Hurry up your not the ones that need to be their you know!!" Bradley shouted

" shut up pretty boy, were coming!!" Shouted Victoria

" Iris can I talk to you for a sec?" I said with her following me a couple of feet away from the group

" What's up?" asked Iris

" Before we go to your graduation just remember if you need a boost in power just call for Hecate's torches." I said walking back to the group with her inches away from me. We started to walk with the rest of the group to the graduation but I still have that feeling that something bad is going to happen in that ceremony.

<25 mins later>

We were making our way to the back of the school, to the football field when some familiar faces caught my eye. A little boy and girl looking around with their parents standing next to them and JAMES with them too. I quickly ran behind Aiden and made him cover me from James.

A loud whistle was heard after I hid behind Aiden followed up by Victoria screaming " Felix's behind Aiden!!!", thank you Victoria. I came out from behind Aiden and I could see tears in the faces of all the 4 people that are with James, oh and by the way I don't call those people my family because I don't want any one of my enemies going after them. They started to walk towards us and that lady was starting to open her arms but stopped her with a simple but harsh answer, " Don't bother, I'm not going to hug you back and you know that already." walking away with the rest of the guardians with me.

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