Chapter 10

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MAY 19TH, 2O17

Alright so after last nights events with Christian, I fell asleep with a lot on my mind. I have to choose between two amazing guys and I don't know who to pick. 

Today, I'm going out with Madison and going shopping at The Grove, the usual when you come to L.A., you have to go to the grove for shopping. 

I got up around 9 and went down to the gym to work out and Dee and Marcell were working out too so I just joined them and did a really good workout. 

"We're going out for lunch before going to the stadium, care to join?" Dee asked and I smiled. "I'm sorry boys, but I already have plans with Corey's girlfriend Madison." They nodded and we said goodbye once we were at our room and I hopped into the shower and got ready. (outfit in media. 

I grabbed my purse and backpack with my stuff and went down to the lobby where Madison was waiting for me. We went to her car and off to The Grove we went. 

We got lunch first and caught up a ton since we hadn't seen each other since New Years and I love Madison and I think her and Corey are perfect for each other and get married soon. 

"Okay, you're the only person that I'm telling this to right now besides Corey so keep your mouth shut okay?" I nodded. She sighed. "I'm pregnant." She's said and my eyes went wide. 

"Holy shit, congrats! How far along?" I asked. "2 months, I feel like this is going to hurt Corey and his career even though he is really excited to be a dad." She said. "You two are going to be great parents. I hope it's a girl."I said with a laugh. 

We finished talking about how she was going to announce the pregnancy to her family and the media and they weren't going to do it for awhile which was a good idea. I remember being pregnant and I hadn't told Corey about that so I decided to tell Madison. 

"Wow, I can't believe that happened to you and now you're in a pickle with picking two great guys. I want to be you." She said and I laughed. "No this really sucks because I don't know who to pick." 

We were going through Nike and all I wanted to do was buy everything in there but I know I couldn't. My phone rang and it was G. I showed it to Madison and she told me to answer it. 

"Hello?" I said browsing through the shoes. "Hey baby girl, where are you? I was just knocking on your door for like 20 minutes." He said and I laughed and thought it was cute. "I'm at The Grove with Madison shopping. I'm sorry." 

He sighed. "That's okay, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go get ice cream or froyo with me." I felt bad now. "How about tomorrow before the game we'll go out?" I said trying to make it up to him. "Sounds perfect beautiful, I'll see you at the stadium." 

We said our goodbyes and hung up and Madison pestered me to tell her what just happened and she thought it was sweet and G is starting to grow more and more on me, more than Christian is and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

We finished our shopping and went over to the stadium. I said goodbye to Madison and went into our clubhouse. "You know, I like you in regular clothes better than I do in the uniform." AJ said and I laughed. 

"It's because I look better in these and I feel more comfortable." I said going into the bathroom to change. I walked back out and everyone was staring at me. "May I help all of you?" I asked putting a hand on my hip. 

"Who you choosing?" Dee asked and my eyes went wide. "You want me to choose in front all of you between two guys that I really like and break one of their hearts in front of all you?" I said dumfounded of what was going on right now. 

They all said yep and I looked around and saw G and Christian in the doorway and I sighed. "I'm not doing this, I'm sorry but that's low." I said and ran out of the locker room and pushed between the two guys and ran to the field so I could see Corey. 

I had started to cry and when he saw me come out of the dugout crying he ran over to me. "What happened?" He asked going back into their dugout and sitting me down. "Well I went to change into this and when I came out of the bathroom the whole team was standing there looking at me and Dee asked me to choose G or Christian in front of them."

"Did you choose?" He asked and I shook my head no. "I couldn't so I just ran out here to you. How do you let them down? They're two of the sweetest guys that I have ever met and I'm lucky to call either of them mine. How do I get myself out of this?" I said looking at Corey who was sitting next to me. 

He sighed. "I really don't know what to tell you. I've never been in a situation like you are before and it's hard, but you're strong and I'll know you'll make the right decision. But don't let the guys influence you or push you to do anything you don't want to do. Okay?" I nodded and he gave me a hug and I went back to our dugout and Don was there. 

"What's wrong?" He asked he noticed the tear streaks. I told him everything and he gave me a hug. "You can watch the game from the clubhouse tonight, sound good?" I nodded and thanked him. "But if there's an injury you have to come out and help." I nodded and waiting until it was game time and then went back into the clubhouse. 

I started to watch the game and in the 7th there was no injuries nor did I think there would be so they had a karaoke machine, so I turned it on and picked songs from Carrie Underwoods new album to sing. 

I guess you can say that I have a good voice, because the next thing I knew after I finished singing Church Bells, I heard clapping and all the guys were standing there. My cheeks went red. 

"Didn't know you could sing." Don said and I shrugged my shoulders. "My favorite pastime I guess." I said 

"Sing one more song for us." Christian said and I nodded and picked a song that might hit home for these boys and I told them that and it's called See You Again and I dedicated it to José. 

Basically once I was done, the whole team was in tears and they had recorded me. They all came over to me and wrapped me in a group hug. 

They all hit the showers and got changed and ready to go home. We got onto the bus and that's when the notifications that most of the guys tagged me in things. 

"christianyelich: Such an amazing voice, dedicated to you José, miss you man." "giancarlo818: This little lady has some pipes on her, you would've loved her my dude, hope we're making you proud José." "DeeGordon: Miss you man, this is for you." 

I saw that Corey had reposted it and said "Looks like my cousin decided to show off her pipes tonight, proud of you and everyone misses you José, hope you're striking everyone out up there."

It was sweet of his to say that about José. I cried a little from all the support the guys were giving me and all the comments about José. Someone sat next to me and it was AJ. 

He gave me a sad smile and I gave him a hug. "You really need to be a singer with those pipes girl. They're killer." He said and I smiled and we talked the rest of the way back to the hotel.

Once we got back, everyone said goodnight to each other and I went up to my room and changed into a tank top and Nike Pros and then there was a knock on my door. I opened it up and saw G standing there. 

He smiled and I let him in and he sat on my bed. "Babe, come here." He said and I climbed into bed next to him and cuddled into him and that's how I fell asleep. 

Who do I pick?

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