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The holidays passed with a surprising and pleasant quickness. I partied, ate and exchanged gifts with friends and family. My boyfriend Liam was the talk of every get together. All my friends were in awe. As for my parents, well, they heartily disapproved of him due to his lineage. They preferred me to be with someone of Italian background. This preference was innocent, they were just so set in their old-fashioned ways.

As promised, Liam and I spoke every day.  He was content, and his parents, his sister Ruth, and the boys of 1D sent me their well wishes. Even though he was an ocean away, Liam never failed to make me feel important, beautiful, loved and appreciated.

Finally, the day came for Liam to come back from England. I was so overjoyed, I struggled to contain it.  My alarm went off at six, his plane landed at eight, but I wanted time to make him breakfast too.  He deserved a decent last day of the break.

 I dressed peacefully, sliding on a pair of green denim pants and a grey lace shirt and a sparkly matching belt that gave me just the right amount of curves, I wanted to look good for my baby.  After dressing, I prepared his favourite breakfast: A chocolate protein shake, a bowl of fruit and some cheese and crackers.  I marvelled at his health-conscious eating habits, knowing I could never eat so well.

7:00 a.m., read the digital clock as I climbed into the car.  I was proud of myself as my time management skills were seeming to improve  a great deal.  Traffic was unusually good, and I got there right at eight.  Getting all the passengers off took a while, so I waited excitedly for him, pacing back and forth and smiling to myself.

Suddenly I heard a voice say, "Hey there stranger."  I spun around to see Liam standing there, arms wide and grinning cheekily.

"Liam!", I screamed happily.  I ran into his arms.  He picked me up and spun me around before kissing me softly.  I savoured every second of it with every one of my six senses. Oh how I missed his embraces.

After we said our hellos, and hugged and kissed some more, I gave Liam his breakfast saying, "Here.  Figured airplane food wasn't too kosher, and I made this for you.  Go sit at that table over there. I'll get your bags, and don't you try and interject.  I'm plenty capable."

He laughed, muttering, "Alright.", in a tone which he presumed to be inaudible, before I elbowed him jokingly and handed him his food..  I watched him walk away, counting his steps as he did.  Slowly, I sauntered over to the luggage carousel and picked it up.  Damn, it was heavy, what did he keep in there, rocks? I settled on dragging it to him.

"Ugh.", I grunted once I reached him.  I looked back at the distance I had crossed moments ago, it seemed so feeble, and yet I struggled.  Briefly, I wondered if sweat stains had appeared.  Liam finished his meal and handed me the container, clearly unaware of the fact that I was panting so hard after crossing a measly six feet.

"Do you have any more food? That breakfast was absolutely delectable, and I'm craving more, " he said, eyes raking me before continuing, "huh, I suppose I underdemeciated your abilities. You actually managed to carry all my stuff without hurting yourself. "

Whether I was or was not offended by that statement, I could not decide. I just smirked and said, "Thanks for the compliments baby. I don't have more food, sorry.  Oh, and by the way, underdemeciated isn't actually a word. It's a mispronunciation from the movie Bedtime Stories that has somehow become popularized."

Rolling his eyes for effect, he feigned annoyance at my grammatical correctness. "Smartass.", he said, choking the word back with an unrealistic fake cough.

"Please, don't pretend you don't love that about me.", I put on an arrogant diva-like voice as I said it.

"I never said I didn't. ", he countered innocently.

"Never said you did either. ", I countered back.  "Now come on, I'll drive you to your place."

We walked to the car, got in, and chattered on about his adventures back home.

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