2. Searching for a host

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Yes you guys guessed it right, I have been dead, dead to this world for two years from then (2014). I dint know what to do after I left my body I felt like my soul was carried away to some place I felt dizzy, sleepy. I just closed my eyes and felt I was in an entirely different place. I slept for a long time may be days, weeks, I don't what they say it here in this place but I felt like I was sleeping for a long time. Coming to the point for me to take revenge from those people who killed my Fuggi (Pragya) I have to find a host for myself onto whom I can latch myself and begin my vendetta. I was told I can only latch onto a person who can see me and feel my presence. I asked, "That means only a few people can see me? That's what you mean?". I got an answer for that, I can only be seen by people who have some or the other connection with me, At least a remote connection. It got me thinking, and I was asked to bring my Host to a certain place after I latch onto him/her (I prefer a guy) so that my training can be completed. I was thinking, I have heard of normal people getting trained this was the first time I am experiencing Ghosts getting trained. Just then I remembered I have to visit my Fuggi's Grave today and today is the only day I can materialize like a Human being 'Nobody can see me even though' *sighs*. That's when I met my Host, my friendly, caring, emotional Host. H.O.S.T!! I like this guy very much.

I was lost in thought when, Myself and Purab reached his home I came out of my thoughts and asked him, "Buddy seems like you are the only occupant here?" Purab said, "Nope, I am not the only one I live with my Grandmother." I said, " But I think nobody is in there right now. See the house looks like a Ghost house with no lights and a dog is howling too." (Gripping onto Purab's Shoulder). Purab said (Chuckling), "Someone said I am being a scardy cat, now who is acting like one? And hey you were sitting there all alone and now you are acting like you are afraid of these stuffs? (Looking at me weirdly)." I said, " Please buddy I am afraid of Ghosts, I was completely lost in Pragya's thoughts I forgot everything and lost track of time. Are we going inside or will stay here with these terrifying howling sounds around us?" He said, " Cool man, Grandma... Please open the door I am not alone today we have a guest, and why you dint turn the lights on?" There was complete silence he called out again for his Dadi still no response from her. He went around the house got a key and opened the door. We went inside, he switched on the lights. Wow, Nice and cosy home loving it. I miss my home and miss living there with my Fuggi and alive again. He walked straight to the kitchen and came back with a letter. I asked him, " What happened Bro?" He said, " I am gonna miss some delicious food for a week bro." He looked like as if someone completely sucked off his energy from him. Actually I learned how to do it but I won't use that on him because he is the only one who could help me right now. I asked him, " What happened? Be specific" As if I dint know the answer. He said, " Granny has gone to meet her sister in Mumbai and I am left alone here for a week. She has made dinner for me, We can share it no problem." I thought , "Oh God I am eating after 2 years yummy." As if I needed to eat something to survive now, I am dead 2 years back and how come this guy dint know about that? It's in my favour so no problem. His granny, I sent her to her sister's home by making her sister ill. All Thanks to my G.F, You Guys thought Girlfriend right? Nope it was Ghost Friend. Ok don't give that death glare like Fuggi I completely understand I am very bad at cracking jokes.

FB Begins...

Abhi asked, "Hey bro can you do me a favour?" Sid said, " Yeah tell me bro, anything for you." Abhi said, " Could you take care of Purab's Grandma's sister? Until my work is done so that his Grandmother will be there in Mumbai and I can finish my work here by then." Sid said, " Sure thing bro! Let me think what can I do to her!" Abhi said, " Please be careful bro, she is an old Women." Purab called him and said, " Come on Abhi you are lost again? Hop onto my bike we will reach there within 15 minutes." Abhi said, " Sid make it fast, I want her to be out of her home before we reached there." Sid said, " Ok Abhi, I have a game to play bye."

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