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Since most of you guys don't want spoilers I'll wait till next week to write Stephen's introduction to the Avengers... meanwhile: Guardians of the Galaxy!!

StarLord is connected
Drax is connected
Rocket is connected
Groot is connected
Gamora is connected

StarLord: Guys???? Are you there?

Gamora: What do you want Peter?

StarLord: I'm just trying to make sure the guys aren't on there phones, I need to talk to you Gamora

Gamora: I'm busy be quick

StarLord: Listen I screwed up, I am a big jerk and I perfectly understand why you are angry at me

Gamora:... you don't remember, do you?

StarLord: Nope, I don't have the slightest clue of why are you angry with me, but knowing myself it was cause I acted like a douche

Gamora: True

StarLord: So, can we please fix this?

Gamora: You can try

StarLord: Good! I'm great at trying! So, what did I do now?

Gamora: ...

StarLord: What is it?

Gamora: ... I forgot the reason I was angry with you😐

StarLord: Neat

Gamora: Damn it, I had prepared a whole speech

StarLord: I think it's the universe trying to stop us from fighting so we can spend our time in other things😉

Gamora: Oh really? 😏

StarLord: Yeah😳😳😳

Gamora: Okay then 😏

Rocket: Peter told you that you couldn't understand a game in a very rude way

StarLord: ROCKET

Gamora: Now I remember! Why did you talk to me like that in front of everyone, Quill?!? Have I done that to you??? I DON'T THINK SO

StarLord:... oh my gosh. Listen Gamora I'm sorry I got over passionate in the game, it's just that.... I'm sorry, okay?

Gamora: You think you're going to make things better with an "okay?" Humans are stupid😒

Drax: I don't think you two should fight

StarLord: Exactly! Thank you Drax, you are my best friend!

Gamora: You are pathetic Quill

Gamora has disconnected

StarLord: 😠 Rocket! Why did you do that?!?

Rocket: You practically forced me to do it! You two were getting all romantic in the chatroom, ew! I don't want to see that 💩

StarLord: I'm gonna have to find her now and fix this the old way

Drax: You mean face to face?

StarLord: That's right... wait you used an expression!! 😱😱😱

Drax: Of course I did, I'm not stupid 😒, Gamora is right, you are pathetic

StarLord: 😥😥😥, I'm starting to think it's true

Rocket: It sure as hell is

Groot: I am Groot

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