Battle to the Death

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   Johnathan began training in the art of the Warrior. His father taught him more sword fighting, hand to hand combat, but never once told him the secret of the sword in his possession. His father only told him that the true path in becoming a great fighter is the path of experience. Experience can only be gained by one person, and cannot be handed down. To discover the secret, he must do it on his own.
  Alice too, was receiving training on how to use her powers. She, with her father watching closely, created mixtures of liquid, but never using any water. All she had to do was think about a power, spread her hands apart, and the necklace would shine that pretty bluish white light between her hands. Then, a small capsule containing liquid would appear between her hands. After a while, she had made a bunch of these. Easy right?
  But on the other hand, Johnathan was being flipped over his father's shoulders and slammed on the ground, over and over again. His father was teaching him stances, forms, and kicks. Blocks, punches, and sword fighting also. Johnathan trained for 6 hours each of the seven days.
Alice learned to be deadly with the bow. Within seconds she was able to shoot five targets in the bullseye. She also got some of combat training, but not as much as her brother. The days flew by quickly, and still Johnathan did not discover the secret of the sword of power. The blade was still dull. Finally, the night before the fight was to take place, Johnathan asked his father about it.
" As I said before," his father replied," the secret of the sword of power must be gained through experience. It can't be passed on, can't be taught. It must be experienced."
" So you're just going to let your son go out there and be killed by the Protector because of this secret so special that you can't tell me! Fine! Let me die!" Johnathan shouted at his father. He left the library where they were at and went to his room, slamming the door behind him. The house shook from the door being slammed.
"Well, he certainly gotten stronger." Alice said to her father, flipping through a stack of books. Her father was sweating from his forehead.
"Can....can you to him?"
He stuttered," I need some time by myself."
"Of course father." Alice said, leaving the room. Their father, after she left, took the black leather book out from his pocket, and opened it. The light shone forth and soon he was back into the strange room. He walked up to the chest and opened it. He took out an arrow similar to those in Alice's quiver. But one big difference. The tip of the arrow was heart shaped blue. Taking this, he closed the chest. Then darkness.
Alice knocked on her brother's door.
"Go away!" Johnathan shouted. But Alice took no heed and opened the door. Johnathan lay on his bed, his face in the pillows crying. Alice sat down on his bed and laid her hand gently on his head, stroking his hair. Johnathan lifted his head up and faced his sister.
Slap! His sister smacked him clear in the face. " You're not about to give up life and cry like a baby just because of a secret, are  you?" Alice scolded.
Johnathan rubbed the spot made red by his sister's stunning blow.
"Look, if I have this secret, I'll not be in the ring ten seconds with the Protector. He'll be lying dead in the ground!" Johnathan countered.
"But that's just not a fair battle. And besides, you're an awesome fighter. All that new stuff father's been teaching you will pay off. Secret or no, it's up to you if you want to live, or die trying to live." Alice said. She stood up abruptly and started for the door.
"Alice!" Johnathan wined.
But before Alice could get to the door, it opened. Their father walked in, carrying the strange arrow. The children looked at the weird arrow in his hands.
"If you win tomorrow, which I believe you will, find out what this unlocks, and you will discover the secret of your lives. Every question will be explained. But you cannot unlock it, someone else must. Because if you do, your life will change forever. And it won't be good." He said, giving the arrow to Alice." That is all." He finished simply, leaving them alone again.
"I know you will win. And besides, if you don't, I'll have two reasons to kill the Protector. Goodnight." Alice said, then left. Johnathan lay on his bed starring at the ceiling, and fingering the sheath that held his sword. He thought about the arena of death, at which he would come out victorious, or die. He will fight to the death, he will give his best. With these thoughts he went fast asleep.
    Morning came fast enough. He woke up,still clutching his sheathed sword. As he opened his eyes, his eyes scanned the room. He saw a pile of clothes at the foot of his bed with a note on them. He reached for the note and read:
         I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to see your fight. But as a token of my love and faith in you, I give you my clothes. I had some business to attend to. But when you go to fight, think about you're sister, and how her life will be ruined without you.
                With love,
"My Father's clothes!" Johnathan exclaimed. It was in their custom the highest honor to wear your fathers clothes. He quickly dressed in his fathers clothes. He pulled on the flowing black cape that added the finishing touches. The battle was soon to begin. He hurried to the dining room where the Butler had already served him his food. He ate, then went back to his room to get his sword. On his way outside he cracked open his sister's door. Alice lay fast asleep in her bed. He studied her beautiful face, her long yellow flowing hair, and her white nightgown sparkling in the rising sunlight. He sighed as he closed her door as quietly as he could. This may be the last time he might ever see the one whom he loved more than anything else.
He went outside and got on one of the many horses his father owned. Soon, he galloped away to the Arena of Death. The arena was a round room that had glass walls so people could watch the match. There was only one door into the room, and the rules were simple. Only one person leaves. Johnathan arrived at the arena. As he steps through the door, it slowly shuts behind him. Watching from behind the glass were the stately dressed members of the Council, seven in all. Standing beside the empty seat of the high chairman, was Uncle Walker, his smile sending nervous chills down his spine.
On the other side of the room he saw the dark form of someone's long cape. He couldn't really see as it was dark in the room. After a pause, one of the chairmen rose.
"Let the battle begin!!!" The chairman thundered. Torches lit up all at once and drums began to beat in a slow deathly rythem. Johnathan now clearly saw his opponent. The long red cape covering the back of the person.
"The Protector!" Johnathan gasped to himself. The Protector turned to face him. He wore a helmet that covered his head and a visor that covered his face. The Protector now faced him, his black gloved hand on the golden jeweled laden handle of a long sword. Johnathan starred at him, wide eyed at first, then determinedly as he remembered whose clothes he had on. His hand gripped his sword handle. The drums began beating faster and faster. Then silence. The battle was on.

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