The Strange Room

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Johnathan and Alice waited on their father to return home. Neither of them said anything for a long time. Finally Alice broke the silence.
"Why didn't you just let him kill me?" She asked tears rolling down her cheeks."I'm not even a part of this family."
"That's not true!"Johnathan exclaimed," You are part of this family as much as I am."
"But if it wasn't for me you would have never signed that wretched paper!" Alice continued.
"But you're here. And we can't change the past." Johnathan replied. He put his arm around his sisters shoulders." And besides, I love you more than anything. If something endangered your life, and I could stop it, I will."
"Even at the cost of your life?" Alice said as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Yes. Even at the cost of my life. You are my sister, and don't you let me hear you say otherwise." He said in a determined voice.
"Okay?" He asked.
"Alright." Alice replied.
They then waited in silence for their father to return. They didn't have to wait for long. The library door opened and their father walked in.
"The butler told me who was here. Are you guys alright?"their father said, his voiced filled with concern.
"Yea, but not for long." Johnathan replied.
"Okay that's good to know,because I would never forgive myself if something-Wait, what!!??!!
"Uncle Walker made me sign to fight the Protector. I had no choice. He would have killed Alice if I didn't." Johnathan said in a shaky voice.
"That bastard! Why? Why? Why would he do this to me?" Their father said as he stormed out of the room, his face red with boiling anger. The Johnathan and Alice could feel the house shaking as their father stormed down the hallways to his room. Soon they could hear him punching holes in the walls and breaking vases. Then all was silent. Their father walked back into the library. By his face they could tell he had been crying.
"Well, you did right standing up for your sister."Their father said. "It's about time that you get advanced fighting training if you're going to fight Mr. Protector." He then turned as if to walk out the room,but stopped and faced Alice. And Miss Fairy, it's about time for you to learn your trade."
"I'm a fairy!?" Alice asked surprised.
" You're the last fairy alive from your planet, and I only have one week to teach you both all that you need to know." Their father replied."Alice, you're not a normal fairy with wings and sparkling wands. You're the only Golden Fairy that can create power and make wishes come true for others. At birth your parents dedicated you to the oath, which states that you will only create power for others and never yourself. If this oath is broken, you will die."
Alice face paled. Jonathan's eyes stared in shock at his sister.
"Anyway, there's something I must give you both." Their father continued," Follow me."
He turned and led them down to his study on the other side of the mansion. Entering his study, Johnathan and Alice gazed around at the crowded desk and loaded bookshelves. Their father walked over to one of the bookshelves. This one was covered with a white cloth. He pulled the cloth off and the children saw that the books on this shelf where very dusty.
Their father pulled a worn black leathered book with worn golden edged pages out and showed it to them. It had no title, author, or anything on the cover. Just black. And dusty. Their father held the book with both hands, bowed his head, and closed his eyes. Then his fingers quickly opened the book, his eyes flashed open, and a flash of bright golden light from the open book blinded Emily and Johnathan.
The light vanished as quickly as it appeared. Johnathan and Alice quickly looked around, astonished. They were in a different room, with bookshelves covered in dust and spiderwebs. The room was small and circular, with the bookshelves lining the outside of the circle. In the middle of the room there was a old chest with a handle of a double edged sword running straight down the center of the chest. Moonlight from a small window at the top of the room shone on the golden handle of the sword, making it shine with a coldish glow. To this chest their father walked up to. They followed and shortly were standing in front of the chest.
"What is this place?" Alice said, breaking the almost sacred silence that filled the room.
"This is the place of my heart and mind. A place where only those who are broken in heart can come. A place where curses kill and blessings come true." Her father responded. But his mouth didn't move. His voice seemed to come from the room. Their father pointed to the sword's handle.
"This sword has been passed down to the eldest son in our family from generations to generations. My father gave it to me when I went to my first battle." His voice continued."Johnathan, take the sword. This sword has a secret. Discover the secret and you will never lose a battle."
Johnathan wrapped his hands around the handle and pulled the sword out of the chest. It felt balanced in his hands. He tested the blade. "Father, it's dull! I must sharpen it."
"Do not sharpen it! If you do, it will lose its power. When you discover the secret, and learn to use its power, it will sharpen itself. Put it away for now." His father's voice said. Johnathan drew out his worn single bladed sword and tossed it away, sheathing his new treasure. Meanwhile, his father put his arm around Alice's shoulder and opened the chest.
A long, curved blue bow with a quiver of arrows with blue steel tips on them and angelic designs lining the smooth round surface of the bow and arrow. Taking these out her father first handed her the bow, and then put the quiver on her shoulder.
"These belonged to your father. He was a great warrior, and never missed a target. But, he was no match for the Protector. He did everything he could to save your life. And if it wasn't for him laying his life down to be cut by the Protector's sword, you would have died." Her Fathers voice sounded from the room.
"My Father's bow." Alice said, brushing a falling tear.
"There's yet one more thing." Her father continued, reaching in the chest. He pulled out a tiny black box and opened it. He drew out a  necklace with a silver beaded band. The jewel on it was of bluish transparent color. Inside this jewel was a spiral galaxy, spinning at a very slow rate. Even Johnathan stepped forward to take a closer look. Alice's eyes widened with astonishment.
  "This is the Jewel of Glory." Their father said." And inside this jewel, is the Galaxy of Wishes, Hopes, and Dreams. With it, you can make any wish come true. But they can't be of your own. Only the wishes of others,for if you try to make your wish come true, the Galaxy will die, taking you with it. And remember, be careful who you grant wishes to."
With that, he put it around her neck. A goldish glittering light started sparkling from her head, down to her feet. It made Alice even more beautiful than what she was. Her hair yellow hair was brighter, her face younger. Also, her clothes changed. She now wore a sky blue dress that shone with a whitish light. Tears of love for her parents fell from her eyes. Her father/guardian took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the tears gently off her cheeks.
" Is that Alice, or did someone woke Sleeping Beauty up?" Johnathan asked, his mouth gapping at his sister's beauty. Alice blushed a little, then turned to face her father." How did you get all of this? She asked, fingering the necklace. Her father paused, as if not sure what to say.
"I was there." He said. The necklace began to shine with a bright bluish-white color and got brighter and brighter. The words "I was there" reechoed through the now blinding light. Then, darkness.
Their father lit a torch, lighting up his study. They were back. But they had everything with them from the room. The black book lay opened on their father's desk. He closed it, and placed it back on the bookshelf. Alice threw herself into her father's arms. Johnathan drew the sword and reexamined its blade.
"We'll begin training tomorrow." His father told him, his voice coming normally and not from the room." But for right now, it's suppertime and I think we're all hungry."
They had dinner in silence,and afterwards they went to their separate rooms. Johnathan lay studying his sword. Alice, wishing to know more about her parents tragic death, got up and knocked on Jonathan's door.
"Come in."Johnathan called, knowing it was Alice. He sheathed his sword as she opened the door and closed it behind her. She sat on his bed as he put his sword in his large closest.
"What did Father mean about him being there?" She asked him.
He turned and faced her,a thoughtful expression on his face.
"I don't know. All I know is that he was a soldier in the Council's army. I think he was a private then, fighting the Fairies. But he never wanted to, which is why he saved you. He hid you in that chest. I've never laid my eyes on the chest since until today." Johnathan replied.
"Well, he said that the Protector killed my parents. I know that you're going to kill him." Alice stated.
"Yeah, I hope so." Johnathan said halfheartedly." The Protector is said to be the greatest fighter ever."
"I wonder why Father got so angry and pale when you told him what Uncle Walker made you do? He knows you can fight." Alice asked." He's also acting a little strange. I can see him giving you the sword so you can fight with a high chance of winning but why did he give me this?" She continued, fingering the necklace.
"I honestly don't know. But I do know this, I'm going to discover the secret and destroy him who killed your parents." Johnathan promised. He held Alice's hands in his and knelt before his sister on one knee. "I promise."
" His family will die as well. I won't be satisfied until all of them are dead." Alice said stoutly.
Johnathan released her hands and stood up."It's late. I have a lot of work to do this week. But this I know, is that I will win no matter what." He said as Alice walked out the room. Just before she closed the door she paused.
" Remember Johnathan, all the Protector's family will die. Even if I have to kill them." She said.
" Goodnight, Alice."
" Goodnight, Johnathan."
And with that, the door closed between them.

The Sworn Protector: From Tragedy To GloryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora