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"Soy? Yyyyees?" I slowly spoke.

I sat back, feeling numb. I don't understand. I'm locked somewhere possibly forever and yet I feel...nothing. As if something is forbidding me to feel.

I struggled to stretch out against the fabric chaining me to the bed. I reached for my pocket when I realized my phone wasn't there.

"Where's my phone?" I asked.

"Lydia, there's no way we could let you have your phone. Too many risks. We have it right here, your data was reset and the SIM card was destroyed. Don't take it personally, just precautions," CA-12 replied before she walked out of the room.

She quickly returned with a way more extravagant meal than I expected. She set up a little table over my bed and put a tray of food on it. There was little pot pie of what looked to be beef, sautéed vegetables, some mashed potatoes and gravy on the side, and a bottle of CocaCola. She propped the back of my bed and undid my tied wrists.

"This is dinner if you couldn't tell." CA-12 spoke. "You want to watch something? We have some shows." She sighed. She handed me the remote and went back to her computer. I flipped on the TV seeing they didn't have cable, which I guess made sense. So I sat watching my limited options.

As I sat finishing my meal, reality started to settle in, and whatever was keeping me from my thoughts finally broke. I don't know where I am, I don't know where Will is, and I don't know if  I will ever see my family again. I could only imagine my parents face at the moment. How long has it been? 3 hours? 3 days? I had no idea. They may be sitting on a couch sobbing while police ask them questions. Unable to track down exactly where I am. Or they have no idea. Sitting, wondering when I'll be home.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I let out a sniffle.

This caught CA-12's attention. Her stone dead face immediately turned to empathy and sorrow. She left her computer and came to give me a hug. I flinched and moved away from her touch. CA-12 obviously was confused on why I was crying, which I'm not sure, in my opinion any 13 year old child would cry being forcefully kidnapped and locked in a foreign room against their will. CA-12 checks the medication she injected me with and stares at me.

"I'm sorry, this must be hard," CA-12 exhales.  "And I know you don't want to hear this from me anyways. I truly am sorry and I know this is a bad time but I need to draw some blood," She started walking towards me and examined my veins. She tied down my right arm and carefully stuck in a needle that hurt less than expected.

She took 3 vials and  ran them in a machine. She looked at them with a concerned look. She turned to me. "Hey Lydia, weird question. Have you been on a strange diet lately?"

I pause. Not exactly lately. "Well," I start "My mother said when I was growing up I wasn't gaining much weight. So she took me to the doctor and ever since then I have been eating a lot. She doesn't really talk about it that much, so yeah I guess but not recently,"

CA-12 crossed expressions between confused and angry. She printed out something and gave me an infuriating smile. "I'll be right back, I'll get you some cake too, alright?" She smiled, clenching her teeth. Before she went, she injected me with more liquid looking like the one before. And with that, she left with her papers, closing the steel door behind her.

The walls were anything but thin, so I was surprised when I was able to hear CA-12 yelling at someone on the other side. I attempted to listen in as best as I could but it was no use. I swung my dark brown hair out of my face as I waited for her return.

CA-12 came in muttering something with some cake in her hand. She put it on my tray and went back to her computer.

"So what's the problem?" I blurt out in anticipation, not really  expecting an answer but it's worth a try. She turned to me and groaned.

"I just can't understand why they didn't check your files more, idiots.

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