Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"What?" Molly says.

"Nothing," Pam says, eyeing Daniel with caution.

"The FBI have contacted you, haven't they?" Molly whispers.

"Yeah," Daniel says, ignoring Pam's glare. "Because of the situation in Utah they want you to be prepared."

"I'm not leaving," Molly says.

"We don't want you to leave," Pam says. "We want you to be safe, though. We knew about the situation before we agreed to be your foster parents, we made that choice knowing there was a chance you'd be taken from us abruptly. If the FBI believe that you're in danger then you should listen and consider-"

"I have done everything they asked!" Molly bursts out angrily. "I stayed off social media, I didn't travel outside the city, I go to school and I go home. And he still found me. It doesn't matter where I go, it doesn't matter how far they take me, he's two steps behind."

"This doesn't mean that he's found you," Daniel says. "It just means that he might know that you're in California. Or it could be coincidence."

"But the FBI won't take the chance," Molly mutters. "What about Riley? Have they told his parents?"

They stare a little harder. It's been a while since she's said his name and it might be the first time that her foster parents have ever heard her speak it. They read her suicide note and the note she left for him so they know how much he means to her, how much he'll always mean to her.

"We're not sure," Pam says. "The social worker might. The FBI are doing everything in their power to catch him, alright? But if they say that it's not safe for you to stay here then as your legal guardians we have a duty to comply."

"I know all about the duty," Molly says quietly. "But I'm older now, I'm almost eighteen. I can't rely on foster families forever."

"Is that what you're worried about?" Daniel says sensitively as he walks closer to her. "That once you turn eighteen we'll throw you out? We're not blind, Molly. Do you think we haven't noticed how much Daisy adores you? How much you adore her? You will always be welcome at our home for as long as you need it."

"Even after everything I've put you through?" Molly says.

Daniel smiles. "Being ill isn't your fault. We won't pretend to know what you're going through but we want you to know that you're not alone. You've never been alone."

Molly turns away and wipes a tear that slips through. "I guess I'm still getting used to that."

"Getting yourself better is the priority," Pam says. "We don't want you to worry about anything else."

It's easier said than done, there's a lot for Molly to worry about. She's curious about her treatment though, even hopeful. Her mind is becoming clearer, before it was all fuzzy and disoriented. But now she can process things and say things that she's never had the courage to do. And the only thing that has changed is the dog. Well, maybe not just the dog. There is something else that has changed in her life, too. There is a knock on the door and Alan enters in his white jacket with the clipboard dangling from his fingertips.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt but it's time for Molly's session."

"We'll be back tomorrow," Daniel tells Molly. "Call us if you need anything."

"I will, thank you."

Alan stands against the wall and waits for them to leave. Molly smiles as she hears Henley's laughter through a gap in the door.

"They're great kids," Alan says. "Very energetic."

"They have their moments," Molly says. She stands up and walks over to one of the lounge chairs in the middle of the room, Alan sits opposite her. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

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