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Percy POV

As I walked to the throne room, I wondered what my dad needed. Training was over? Nah. I could stay here longer?  Nah? Amphitrite was making cookies? Maybe. I could visit Camp Fish Blood and get more brownies? Most likely not. Those were some good brownies though.

Before I knew it I was standing outside of the throne room doors. I smiled at the guards and they nodded stiffly and moved their spears out of the way. They need to loosen up more,  I thought.

I walked in and saw my dad sitting on his throne staring at an Iris message. Before I could see what was on it he noticed me and waved his hand through it. Posiden stood up and walked toward me, brushing off his Bermuda shorts.

"Hey dad. What was the urgent news? Is Amphirite making cookies?" He looked at me for a second then spoke. "That's not what I called you here for but yes. She is making cookies." I whooped and fist bumped. "Yes!" Now, I'm not saying those cookies were better than my mom's but they were almost as good.

I looked back to my dad who paused knowing my ADHD got me off track. "So what i was going to say, I have urgent business on the other side of the country so I won't be here for the weekend. If you want, you can go to camp or visit your mom."

I couldn't help it. I squealed like Aphrodite did when me and Annabeth got together. I did this for couple seconds then stopped. I cleared my throat and said, "Really? That's great." My dad looked at me with his 'what the Hades' face  which I inherited and said, "Yes. Really. You can go now."

I grinned and turned to walk out. Then something came to mind and I stopped. I turned to my dad. "Whatever it is you need to do, please don't end up giving me a sibling." I laughed at his face then raced out of the throne room to where Triton was.

                Old McDonald had a time skip.  E-I-E-I-OHHHH

I stared at Triton. "Are you sure this is foolproof?" He sighed. "Yes I'm sure." "But are you sure." "Yes, I'm sure. If you ask me again I am going to do something I won't regret."

I looked at him. "What are you gonna do? Are you going to kill me Mr. T?"

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you, really, really bad."

"Oh yeah? Well, I can take it."

We stared at each other for a few seconds, then we burst out laughing. "That was a good movie, though." I said, wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"I know right. We can watch it again later," Triton said. "but first this plan needs to be done."

I opened my mouth to say something. But before I could finish my sentence, he punched me in my nose!

"What the Hades!" My hands flew up to my face but there was no pain. The water healed me quickly. I touched my nose and glared at my half-brother. "You suck, man." Triton waved it off. "Yeah, yeah. I suck and you swallow. Now get into position Harley Quinn. I'll hurt you later."

With one last glare, I swam out of the sitting room, towards the kitchen. Cookies, here I come.

                              Time Skip to the kitchen

I shifted in my position in the vents. I looked into the kitchen wondering where the heck was Triton. He walked in at that moment. Good. Phase 2 can begin. He began talking to Amphirite. While his mom was distracted, I looked at the cookies, hoping this would work.

I stuck out my hand and concentrated. What I was doing was trying to control the water inside the cookies. It made no sense but neither does your face. Anyways, my dad told me that every thing has water in it and being his son I could control basically everything. I could also control people but I don't like that method so it's only for a last resort.

Back to the cookies. I was able move one cookie up into the air. I let a smile slip and got cookie to move to the vent. I grabbed the cookie and stuffed it in my mouth. It was delicious in case you were wondering.

I looked down and saw Triton glaring at me subtly, if that makes sense. Oh right! The cookies. I focused on taking the whole plate. I finally got it to the vent when I realized it wouldn't fit. I looked at Triton and shook my head. Plan B.

I put the cookies back on the table and got ready to jump out. Triton looked up at the vent with wide eyes. "Mom, there's someone in the vents!" When Amphirite turned around to look, Triton grabbed the plate and ran out.

Meanwhile my step-mom had grabbed a scary looking knife and pointed it at the vent. "Who's there?" she said in that mom voice. I thought quickly and muttered, "Screw it." I jumped down and landed right in front of her.

I held out my hand. "Harley Quinn. Nice to meet you." Amphirite frowned and opened her mouth to give me the mom talk. I grinned and said, "I'm sorry but I don't have time for a talk right now. Come and find me after I eat the cookies. Bye!"

Before she could say anything, I mist-traveled out of there. Oh yeah, I know how to mist travel.

A God?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें