Chapter 3

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Lala's Party

Ebony Pov
Let me tell you it was crowded ass hell at Lala's party this afternoon.
Damn there more niggas then females. I sighed rubbing my forehead feeling my anxiety arising throughout my fragile body, to many people not to much space. I always been like this as a little girl, my mother would always sing me our favorite song when I felt scared it help me calm down.
But I gotta be a big girl cause my mother and father isn't here anymore so i need to calm myself down.
I grabbed my yellow sweater pulling it to cover half of my face from that smelly ass marijuana that was all smothered in one room, I'm guessing the (smoke out room.)
Ugh how can Lala, Riri, Nanci live like this ? It stinks. I forced myself up walking past Riri who was to busy shaking her ass on this no good ass nigga named Jay Rock.
She keeps it up he will hurt her. Riri pull my arm asking me "where am I going?" I told her I was going outside to get fresh air. Due to all of this smoke blowing in my face, she finally lets me go in continued on dancing.

Kendrick Pov

We finally pulled up to Q and his girl place, let me tell you they shit was pack. I see a couple of kids outside playing in the front yard in the dirt. I'm guessing it was Q kids instead of someone else's, cause every time I come to pick up Q i always see his kids in the front playing with dirt.

"Egypt yo ass better not be playing in that damn dirt, do you hear me ?".

She looks at me rolling her eyes, "Yes daddy". She said with a little attitude. To be honest I don't care what attitude she has I know her little ass better not be playing in that dirt with that skirt on. As I was getting out of the car, I don't know if I was paying attention to what I was doing but when I turned around I bump to someone or something hard causing them or it to fall down on the ground. I looked over to my side and there she was....

Ebony Pov

Is he going to help me get up or is he going to continue on staring at me?.
I cleared my throat hoping I would get his fully undivided attention but apparently I didn't.
"Excuse me are you going to continue on staring or are You planning on helping me up cause you did knock me down" I said with a attitude. He giggles and helps me up.
" Damn I'm sorry". He said checking me out.
I smirked a little. Damn what could I say he is sexy. His muscular build body, his brown bright eyes, his coily ass beard that sits on his manly ass face. Those big ass lips of his, oh fuck he was to sexy to look at. I was about to lean over and kiss him until I heard a little girl voice calling out his name grabbing him by his leg.

I gotta admit that little girl was light as fuck her skin was so pale she looks like a ghost her beautiful blue eyes sparkled in the sun with her nappy blonde curls hovering around her head. I wondered who she is to him.

"Daddy can I please play in the dirt with Skyler in Miami?" She pleaded.  At first he was going to say no but then he was like yeah but make sure you keep your legs closed. So that's his daughter? Her mother must be white then.  He looks at me while nibbling on his bottom lip. I don't know what was happening to me but I felt really horny.
"The name is Kendrick" he says, still checking me out.

"Ebony, I'm guessing that you are a parent to one right?" I asked.

He nods his head yes.

"What's her name ? How old is she?" I asked.

"Egypt and she is 6 years old". He said walking towards the bench by the front door. I sat right next to him looking at the kids playing in the dirt.

"Her mother passed away in a car crash when she was 3 years old, and if you wondering if her mother is white, you are totally wrong her mother is black. She was born with a rare skin disorder I guess she is albino" he says keeping his eyes focused on the kids.

"Awww sorry about your lost, she beautiful by the way". I said turning around looking at this handsome man.

He turns his head slowly looking at me and smiled.

"Thanks Ebony". He said.

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