I'd never heard him so serious. Sasuke came outside milliseconds later. He hugged me right away.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Not yet. Did you bring the Hokage like Kakashi said?"

"Hai. He's downstairs."

"I don't want you going into my room for a while." i whispered.

He didn't ask any questions.

"I need to get out of here for a while." i shivered. "Kakashi!" i yelled.

He came upstairs. "What do you need?"

"I'm going out for a while. You think you could have ... cleaned up ... by the time i get back?"

"Sure. Take your time."

I didn't bother walking downstairs. I jumped off the balcony and went straight to Sapphiras house. I knocked on her door.

"Yuuki? What happened?" She asked.

"There was a body found in my room. Mutilated." i was quiet. "I woke up this morning, turned over and it was hanging from the ceiling. Sapphira not even when the clan was killed was it that bad."

She hugged me tightly. "It's all over Yuuki. Calm down. Want to go to Ichirakus?" she asked with a sad smile

"Ok." i nodded. She took my shoulders and led me down the street.

"Thats a face i haven't seen in a while!"

"Hey old man. How are you? I see this place hasn't changed." i looked around.

"Never been better. How are you Yuuki? Did you hear they found a dead body near your house?"

"Word sure travells fast." Sapphira snarled. "Two bowls of ramen please. With meat."

"You got it! Today its on the house."


He placed the bowls of ramen in front of us. I grabbed and seperated chopsticks and started to eat. When Sapphira and i finished we went for a walk around town.

Naruto saw us and ran over "Yuuki. Is there something wrong?" with him being him and that he noticed something was wrong, i must have looked like shit.

"Maybe another time Naruto. I promise. How's training going?"

"Kakashi senseis always being late but i'm better then i was! Yeah believe it'"

I laughed. "I do. Naruto can i talk to you amd Sasuke later?"


"Cool. Meet me in an hour at the training grounds."

I walked away. Sapphira hesitated for a second, but came.

"Hey Sapphira, can i ask you something personal?"

"Go for it."

"What happened to your family? I've never heard of you talk about them."

She seemed really uncomfortable at my question.

"You know what, forget i asked."

"No! No it's okay. You deserve to know. My family... they were killed. By a man with red eyes. I've tried time and time to again but i can't remember his face. I guarantee you though if i see him again i'll know."

"Red... eyes?" it sounded an awful like the sharingan. "What were the details?"

"Well it was close to your sharingan but... It looked like all the dots were joined together. It looked kind of like a shiruken."

My blood ran cold but i didn't show that to Sapphira. What she had seen was the Mangekyo Sharingan. Itachi's. He had killed another clan, leaving only Sapphira alive.

"But that isn't all. He said he only left me alive because i had the Elemental Dragon inside me. And then he said that when i use the elements, my eyes will change to their color. Like if i used the fire element my eyes would turn red. And if i used water they'd turn blue. Did you notice that?"

In fact, i had. "Yeah i did. I thought you knew about it. I've never heard of the Elemental Dragon though."

"Maybe one day we'll find out." she shrugged.

"I want you to come tonight with me Sasuke and Naruto. Theres something important i need to tell you guys."

"I'm always here for you girl."

I went home.

Kakashi was standing out the front leaning against a pole.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah. Are you alright now?"

"I'll be okay. Is Sasuke still here?"

"He's upstairs."

I jogged over to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks." before letting go and going upstairs.

"Sasuke, can you come with me for a few minutes to the training grounds?"

He came out. "Hn."

"Let's go. Kakashi," i said as i walked past him "You might want to come as well."

He nodded and i noticed he was blushing.

I blushed as well. "Come on then."

Naruto and Sapphira were there already and were getting along brilliantly.

"Tweedle dum and tweedle dee." Sasuke muttered.

"Alright. I need you guys to be quiet and listen to me for a while. You all have a right to know what i am. Especially Naruto and Sasuke." i took a deep breath. "I'm the ten tails jinchuuriki."

All was silent for a while.

"Think you could say something guys?" i asked nervously

I was in some massive shit.


what are Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and Sapphira going to do??




Yuuki Uchiha *editing*Where stories live. Discover now