The friends of my life

Start from the beginning

N :Noah               A :Alice
K :Kevin               J :Justin
E :Emma             Sc :Scarlet
Su :Suzan            Al :Alan
Ac :Ace               Ni :Nicole

B-E ;T-Ac
"Truth or Dare ?"
"I dare u to eat a large chunk of your red lipstick ..."
"What ?! I'm so sorry sweetie" she said opening her mouth ,then took a big bite of it "EW !! It tastes like mustered in shoes and a bit of strawberry muffin!!"

B-Al ;T-Su
"Truth or Dare ?"
"Wich one of us guys u find most attractive ?" He said while smirking while she blushed like crazy and the rest went 'ooooh'..
"No someone else ,Cause everyone find's Justin attractive..." he said angry
"Ok, ok.... uh I-I think K-Kevin cause he's knows a g-girls taste in c-cloths" she muttered while blushing a light pink ...
Then everyone turned around to look at him finding out that he was shocked with her answer with wide eyes and blushing a bit then lowered his head ...while we all started to laugh a bit at how he looked ..

B-K ;T-Ni
"Truth or Dare ?"
"Dare please .."
"I dare u to draw yourself a moustach"
"Realy ..? So worth it" then he jumped up excited to take the black market from the table and went to the mirror and started to draw himself a mexican moustach ...
"Tada do I look ?"
"U look like my grandpa" I said looking at him then everyone laughed ...

T-J ;B-Sc
"Truth or Dare ?"
"ok done ,who's turn's now ?"
"Hey I didn't tell u my dare !!"
"Yeah u did ,just a minute ago"
"Ok ,but I'll get u next time !!.."

T-N ;B-A
"Ok this is kinda awkward .."
"T or D ?"
"I know what your going to do if I said Dare ,and if I choose Truth you'll ask me something insane I have no option but to tell you to choose"
"Ok I pick Dare" he said smiling "I dare u to suck my finger for 5min ..." he said sticking out his first finger ..
"Fine ,ok !!" I said getting closer and opening my mouth when he stuck his finger in and I started to blush a bit while sucking ...then I started to choke his finger got to the end I was about to puke when I held his hand and pulled out his finger that was full with saliva..
"Eww ..!!" He said wiping his finger into Ace "hey I didn't tell u to get all her saliva on me ...!!" Ace said discused
"U know I'm kinda surprised u did it Alice .." Scarlet turned her head to talk "I know, even though I didn't believe myself I could do that without throwing up ..." then I sighed
"Your discusting !!" Noah said wiping his finger in his shirt

B-Ac ;T-Sc
"Truth or Dare ?"
"Truth ,who knows what happens if I say Dare"
"Did u ever kiss a boy ,if u didn't would u like to kiss one ,and who will you like that to be ?"
"First no ,Second yes ,Third this might sound crazy but I would like to kiss a boy who's hair is blue and eyes is purple that is Haru from FREE !!"
"Who's he ?"
"An Anime boy from a Japanese Cartoon ..."
"Your insane ,drawings can't come to life .."
"They could ,if we all belived in them or become them !!"
He just shook his head then turned the bottle ..

B-Al ;T-E
"Question or Answer ?"
"Wait ,Can he do that ?"
"Yeah I think he can ... if it's something or something else it works .." Justin said ..
"What is the longest book u ever read ...?"
"I never read a book in my life"
"Your hopeless .."

T-J ;B-Su
"Right or wrong ?"
"Is it right you are kind outside but your cruel inside ?"
"I afraid it's right ..."
"Then why is your sister the opposite ..?"
"I don't really know ...wait how do u know ...?"
"Alan told me .."
"Wait how does Alan know ?"
"My sister is friends with your's" Alan turned the page of the book he was reading in ..

B-N ;T-K
"Pain or Dare ?"
"What kind of question is that ?!"
"A really fun one ,now answer dum-dum"
"What ,nevermind I pick Dare of course .."
"I dare u to tell us what were u doing here alone with Alice .."
"That's non of your beeswax wasp .."
"Fine then, would you please tell us Alice ..?" He said smiling while Noah's eyes opened wide..
"Nothing much but playing this game for half an hour till we got bored .." I said bored ..
"And did he dare u about something ..well u know ..."
"Well I don't know ,tell me" I said while he came close to my ear and wispered something that made me blush ..then I got up to the couch grabbed hard a pillow and jumped on him and started to hit him "Awe ..Awe" then he laughed a bit "I was just kiding ... relax woman .." I stopped "kiding ..kiding ?" , I stood up "that wasn't funny all !!" Then I walked to the kitchen got a bottle of water and went to the living room and poured every and each drop of water on his head "wait ,what is it raining ?" Then he lifted his head to meet my face "ooh isn't raining..." then he smiled "you'll gona regret that u know .." then he got a juicebox and droped it on my head .."hey don't ruin the carpet" Noah shouted while my mouth dropped open ...

When the phone rang and everyone got silent even u could hear a pin drop "I'll get it" Noah got up and started to talk on the phone and then hung up "my mom said she won't come back till tomorrow afternoon cause she and Anna is going to my Aunt's house ... so I guess we could have a sleepover whatever girlls call it ..."

"Ok then I'm going back home to get myself my pj's and -"
I was cut off by Noah "no need, me and my mom have tons of them ,I think she won't mind if u guys barrowed a few ..."
"Fine by me if your mother agree's" I said sitting down...
"Well it's 8:30 now and I'm soo bored ,let's do something play vedio games or tell spooky stories or -" Justin was cut "or shut up" Alan cut him off "or play hide and seek .." I said quickly "yeah !! who wants to play hide and seek raise his hand" Scarlet said while raising up her hand then Suzan ,Kevin ,me ,Ace ,Justin and Emma ...
Alan And Noah looked at us while Nicole was too busy with her phone ... "ok ,let's play hide and seek guys" We all got up and started to choose witch one is gona seek it turned out to be me and to my luck 'Noah' we had to count to 30 ...

"1--2--3--4--5" we started to hear footsteps all over the floor "28--29--30 ready or not here we come" I shouted loudly when I saw Suzan behind a door "here u are" ,Noah saw kevin hiding behind the wall next to the bathroom door "got ya !!" Then we started to walk through the hall to get to his room I got in looked under the bed it was Emma "found u" and Suzan heard something breathing in the closet she opened it, it was Justin standing behind the jackets I came closer "u know we can see u, right ?" ,"oh damit !!" Then he got out ... then we walked into the kitchen it was Alan under the table reading a book "hey smarty ,that's not a good hiding place u know .." then we all walked to the living room when I saw Ace he was hiding behind the couch and on the couch was Nicole texting on her phone ..
"where's Scarlet ..a good hiding place u have a basement ?",
"yeah why ?" Noah looked at me curious
"show me where's the basement she's probably hiding there ..I think .." ,
"Are u insane? Basements are scary ,creepy and grose why should she be hiding there especially for a girl ?"
"I just have the feeling there's something down there ,I can feel it in my gutts that something or someone is telling me to go and see ..."

So we all went to the basement door "you'll go in first I'm too pretty to die !!" Nicole dragged me infront of her then Suzan and Emma walked back a few steps when I heard someone laugh behind me
"I won, you lost I'm the champion ..." Scarlet said cheering to herself
"wait if your here ,then why I feel there's something down there ..." ,
"Then don't be a scardy cat let's go see together .." ,she said opening the door to the basement "not so scary ,what your waiting for guys let's go" she said turning the lights on then I started to walk downstairs ...

We got down to the middle of the large room ,there was a lot of dust and spider webs I started to look around ...

To be continued ..........

Sorry if there's any mistake ...

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