In the name of the King

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A lone rider entered the gates of Rivendell. He dismounted and looked around. ''You have gotten me here in time, mellomy friend. I'm very greatfull.'' He said to his huge black stallion while stroking his head. Hercules pushed his wet nose against his shoulder in response. The rider turned and started walking to the palace, knowing that his horse would stay where it was.

He stopped before the huge gate doors. ''Why does this place look so familiar to me?'' He wondered while tapping with his feet on the cold marble stones. He wasn't known for his patience and he know the guards had seen him. When he wanted to walk away agin, thinking that his trip had been a waist of time, the doors slowely cracked ope only to reveal a huge chamber. He slowly walked inside and heard the doors slamming shut behind him. He stood his ground, not in the least impressed. Slowly he put his hand on his sword and turned around. Behind him stood an Elf, clad in a silver white robe. The stranger dropped his hand, but didn't relax.The Elf seemed to sense his discomfort and opened his arms. ''Welcome Lord Hand, My name is Glorfindell and I want to welcome you to the last Homely Hause.' He said in elvish, maybe to impress, while efficiently avoiding the name Snow.  Parcival bowed low, and answered almost mockingly in the same language.

''Thank you...sir.'' He answered, while making sure to place a  small pause after the word 'Sir', wanting to see how the Elf would react on this small taunt. He was disappointed when the Elf did not seem to pay attention to what he had said, but was looking at him curiously. His eyes were appearently searching for his ears, most likely to understand how this man spoke the acient language. Parcival knew this would happen and had made sure his hair covered his pointed ears. Sure enough he was Ser Parcival Stark, Commander of the Wall and Hand of the King son of Lord Eddard Stark. But he his mother.. he just didn't know. His father never talked about her and when he asked questions, the topic suddenly changed. The only thing he knew was that his mother must have been an Elf.  He was pulled out of his thoughts when the Elf spoke again.''Lord Elrond requests that you come to his study after you've rested. I'll show you the way to your room.'' With that he started walking away, the young lord following after him.

Parcival looked through the window, without seeing anything. How much he wanted his father to be here now. And how much he hated the Lannersters for killing him. It was time for revenge. He had helped his brother with mustering all the bannerman to fight with them against the west. Kingslanding, Gondor, Rohan, Arnor. All would fall when the Northerns would besiege their walls and destroy their armies in battle. The seven kingdoms would become even bigger and his brother would become the king of it all. The Seven Kingdoms would be renamed Carthage where everyone was united with one name and one king. The Lannisters and all  the treacherous men of the west would bent there knee for him. The North would rule, because the north never forgives.

He had wondered why Lord Elrond had accepted his request for a converence. They were enemies even before the war started. They had betrayed their alliance with the Wall. When the wall was under attack by the With Walkers and their army of undead, he was named Commander of the Wall after the passing of the old Commander Lord Mormont. He emidiately rode to the South asking the alliances for reinforcements to fight against the With Walkers. Only King Thorin had immediately sent a force of 300 warriors and builders who even helped making the gates stronger. Lord Elrond two, had told him he would sent 200 elves to his aid. But the Elves never arrived. From the 300 brothers of the nights watch, only 100 survived. And with that, No warrior or even healers where send to aid them. And they could never forgive them, nor would they forget.                                                                                 And though not even his brother had sent men to help him,  he did understand. His brother couldn't spare any troops while fighting the Lannisters. The dwarves helped rebuilding the main parts of the Wall, and later returned to Erebor. Not long after that, his brother Robb was named King of the North bij his bannerman after the capture of Eddard Stark for 'conspiring against the crown'. which was a trick from the Lannisters to keep the Iron Throne for themselves. Robb named him Hand off the King and summoned him to Winterfell. Knowing there was nothing he could do about it, he left the Wall with a view of his close friends: Jeoran Mormont and Alyra Mormont, son and daughter of the old Commander Lord Mormont(both half elves), his cousin Keanen Earendil and of course Tavernis Ecthelion. To serve his brother.

Ever since he hadn't spoken to Elrond. But now he had to, in the name of his Brother, his King. Although he didn't like, no hated him. That wouldn't influence this conference. Parcival knows he can make it, or break it. Though it wouldn't be him who would break. Another thing he had mastered, was how to please people. That was how he had mustered a force of almost 75.000 men. Ready to fight for there King. The only reason he was here, was because he had told his brother to make a treaty with the Elves. The traitors where leaving these shores anyway. And even if they would try to fight him, they where with to few. But They could use more allies then enemies, for they had so many already. The Elves could stay out of it. Make pease and then keep there lands. If they declined his offer, there lands would be taken and they would be driven out by force. It wasn't a lack of respect, Parcival had always respected these Elves, but they where heading South. Northerners had a disadventace. The Elves could attack them in the back, and that could mean the end of The Northern Realm.

'Maybe they know, he pondered. Maybe he knows and wants me to stop my brother.' But even an Elf couldn't be that stupid. After the wall was fully rebuild, he had helped his brother and been his best advisor and swordman. He would never betray him.

The war started long ago.  Lord Robert Baratheon, of House Baratheon of the Stromlands, ascended to the Iron Throne after successfully leading a rebellion against the Targaryens with his friend Eddard Stark which erupted after Aerys’ unjust murders of several important lords and other atrocities. The fact that AerysTargaryen was slain by a Lannister spared Robert from being labelled a Kingslayer. Six years after Robert's accession, Lord BalonGreyjoy, of the Iron Islands, believing that King Robert's rule was still insecure, proclaimed independence for the Iron Islands and led a rebellion against the Iron Throne. He was proven wrong and the same coalition which won Robert's Rebellion put down the Greyjoy rebellion and repatriated the Iron Islands.

King Robert's reign came to end after his wife, QueeenCersei, arranged his death. The eldest son of CerseiJoffrey I Baratheon, took the throne. Robert had acknowledged him as a trueborn son, but he was not. This led Robert's brothers Stannis and Renly to put forward their claims to the Iron Throne. Other noble Houses sought independence from the rule of the Iron Throne, leading to this war: The

War of the Five Kings.
The North and the Iron Islands claimed independence and seceded from the Iron Throne, while the rest of kingdoms were thrown into turmoil. The Starks entered the war after Joffrey capriciously ordered the capture of Lord Eddard Stark for threason. The Greyjoys entered the war out of opportunism to re-establish independence for the Iron Islands

This was doomed too go wrong. They were all doomed too die. And all for a Throne.

Son of the King [Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones Crossover] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now