go hard or go home

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sorry for the late update folks <3


*1 month later*

prince P.O.V*

hey, right now im visiting riah grave. man i miss her dearly its been three years but you'll never no matter what forget your soul mate. anyways im here.

me:hey riah, just came by to give you some roses and give you the update.

riah P.O.V*

im on one of my gaurdian angel shifts im visiting jada right now.

jada:hi titi :(

me:hey baby why the long face

jada:because mommy and daddy aren't together anymore


jada:ale and daddy they broke up

me:aww baby don't worrie about that that will gett better but what about the other ghost have you seen him?

jada:the last time i saw him was when mommy and daddy broke up. he said "see i told you she didn't love you" he was talking bout' ale.

me:thats it baby


me:well if thats it then you can push that to the side for right now.

*(riahs thoughts)

hey, riah just came by to give you some roses and give you the update.*

me:umm i gtg baby ill be back kay or call when you need me.

jada:kay titi i love you

me:i love you more.

i left jada's house and went to where my name was used.

the grave yard.

it was princeton.

prince:you know i miss you alot riah, man only if you were still here.

*i can hear prince but he can't hear me*

me:well if i still was here you should have never cheated on me prince

prince: man the things i would have changed if i had the powers, anyways i brought your favoirte colored roses. orange. riah i love you and probaly will never move on. but if i cant have you atleast i want is riahs forgiveness.

me:prince i love you way more.

prince P.O.V*

me:i hope she find in her heart to forgive me. well i gtg riah ill visit again. i love you and never stopped.

as i was walking away i herd in the slightess whisper "i love yyou more prince"

i felt goosebumps chill over my body . i knew right then riah must have herd everything i just said. or maybe it was just the wind.

ale P.O.V*

me and deja are on another date with shon and dre.

i feel like they are falling for us. the sad thing is were not feeling them. me and deja have told them plenty of times we still want ray and prod but they keep saying there only taking us out as "friends".

me:so where are we going shon?

shon:the movies, i wanna see a scary movie.

me&deja:good nothing fancy like last time



we said that cause last time they took us to some resturant it was so fancy it was hard to pronouce but anywho everything on the menu cost over 300 dollars. by itself. so i was kinda glad we were only going to the movies.

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