were over

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ale P.O.V*

where tf am i ..... wait riah is that you


me:omg i knew you werent dead thank god

riah:listen to me ale im am dead but i am okay

ale: oh my gosh sister i miss you! why would you do this to us!

riah: i know im sorry it was just to much. it made me feel that he didnt care about me or his late baby.

me: yea i feel you but ima miss you sis. and i love you.

riah: i love you to but watch out and be careful, the people who you think are so close to you may be the ones who you should move away from. ill be watching over you ok. See you soon.

and with that she left. i start to hear a mumbled voice. it soon started to sound like rays voice.

???: ale baby wake up please i need you.


ray: yea its me ale. how are you feeling?

me: im fine,my nbody just hurts really bad. i cant belive she gone.

prince walkis in the room*

me: what the hell do you want?!

prince: i just wanted to say that im so(Gco)

me: if your gonna say sorry then i dont wanna hear it. sorry aint gonna bring back riah. i just cant belive you so please leave.

prince: Ale....

me: bye prince

prince: but i (Gco)

me: ray please get him out of here.

Ray: sorry bro but you gotta go.

prince walks away*

dejas pov*

i cant belive that riah just killed her self. This is all to much for me and its putting stress on my baby. yes i am pregnant. and i dont know whos baby it is. No body knows but me. i feel so bad and now riahs gone my bestfriend is in the hospital now and prod keeps tryimg to talk to me. Here he come right now.

prod: baby pease talk to me now.

me: prod why do you still try and talk to me huh? why do you still love me?

prood: what do you mean why do i still love you? Deja i love you!  your my girl and i want you. I dont care that you had an affair with prince the only thing that matters is if you still want to be with me. Do you?

me: um... prod im pregnant. I dont know whos baby it is *starts to cry*

prod: Really? :)

me: why are you so happy Prod? Im not even 15% sure if its yours.

prod: Deja when are you gonna undrstand. I love you and what ever comes with you. All i want to know is do you still wanna marry me. we can leave and never come back. it can just be us and only us.

me: Um... I dont know prod,i feel like im not worthy of you anymore   :(.

Prod: Yes you are baby. Just let me know when your ready.

Prince Pov*

Everybody hates me now. The sad part is that i think i really do love deja. i feel really tired, this how i felt when riah was pregnant. Omg is deja pregnant? I need to go talk to her. i walked to the front of the hospital and saw prod get up and walk away from deja. I guess that my Que to go talk to deja.

me: Hey deja..

deja: *Looks up and has tears in eyes* Hey... listen im so sorry about riah. i knew you really loved her more than me. im sorry that i ruied your life and your wedding.

me: you didnt ruin my life deja and i do love you. I really love you. but i have to ask you something.

Deja: yes?

me: are you umm.. pregnant?

deja: yes.. im sorry :( *starts to cry*

me: dont cry please dont.

deja: alright. well what are we gonna do?

me: i think that we should be togather, well if you want to.

deja: um i dont know prince it seems like eveybody hates me excapt you and prod. but ill let you know ok.

me: alright ima head home. ill call you later ok.

deja: kaykay.

ales pov:

me and ray are still in my room wating for the doctor to let me out of here.

???: knock knock*

me: who is it?

???: its me...deja

me: come in. -,-

deja: hey bestfriend are you ok?

me: do i look ok to you deja?!  My sister just died because you wanna be a hoe and sleep with her man! what the hell is your problem?!

deja: Im sorry ok. and its not my fault she jumped infront of that car! I didnt push her!

me: You might as well have! I hate you! You ruined my life! Riah was the only family I had left and you took her from me!

deja: You know what.. forget it. You say you hate me now but im always gonna be your bestfriend. See you in the future and sorry for you loss. 

And with that she walked away.

me: Ray do you think i was to mean to her?

Ray: Kinda. but its ok yall need to make things work. Its not your job to stand in the way of two people who love eachother.

me: Well they can have eachtother. im done with her and prince.

???: psst Ray can you come here?

Ray: yea. *walks to door*

prince: bro shes pregnant. and i do love her.

ray: wait who is?

prince; deja.

ray: oh. bro if you want her then go to her thats all i gotta say. * walks back in with ale*

me: what was that about.

ray: oh...nothing

me: ray dont lie to me.

ray: ok dejas pregnant by prince.

me: :o omg!

the end

chapter :) done by lovekill12345


peace love faith :) follow me

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