IMAGINE: Pippin confessing his feelings for you after he saves you

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     You run up the steps, your heart pounding wildly within your chest. Gondorians cry out in alarm and some in pain. You're on your way back up to the Citadel after following Gandalf and Pippin into the action.

     You let out a scream as an Orc comes barreling into your path. You stumble backwards and fall. You reach for your small sword and wrench it out of its sheathe, breathing hard. You block the Orc's strike just in time. You crawl backwards while parrying all of his strikes. The Orc hacks your sword out of your hands and you gasp, turning your eyes up to look at him in fear.

     Before the Orc can bring his sword down on you, you hear Pippin lets out a war cry. Your best friend lunges for the Orc and jumps him. Pippin plunges his sword down into the Orc's back, anger running off of him. The Orc shouts in pain and drops his sword, crashing to his knees. Pippin doesn't pull his sword out of the Orc until he falls into his face, dead.

     You stare at the Orc and then look up at Pippin, your eyes wide. Pippin hurries over to you. He kneels beside you.

      "Are you all right?" He asks worriedly.

      You nod, shaking. "You saved me." You breathe, blinking. "I thought-I thought that was it for me. I thought I was going to die." You choke out.

     Pippin smiles sympathetically at you. "Come on, we should hide before we run into anymore trouble." He says, helping you up. He grabs your hand and you run off together.


      Pippin and you stand in the empty throne room. "Hey, Y/N." Pippin says softly.

     "Yes?" You ask, turning to look at him. He walks towards you and slowly slides his hand into yours. Your heart thumps quick yet you have trouble taking in a breath.

     "I thought I was going to die when I saw you almost get killed. I-I was so scared. There were...are so many things I need to tell you. I never want to be put in a position like that ever again." He states, his eyes searching yours. You nod, unable to tear your gaze away from his.

      "Y/N, I love you. Without you, my life isn't worth living. A life without you isn't one I want to live." Pippin whispers.

      You smile as tears come to yours eyes. "Oh, Pippin. I love you too." You say, squeezing his hands.

     He smiles with relief and sighs. "You do." He states. You laugh softly and nod. Pippin kisses you on the lips quickly. He pulls back, blushing crimson.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Billy Boyd ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now