Prologue 2

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(Hello my wonderful people. I am back again with another part! Please enjoy! Mic~)

Daniel was now in 9th grade, which would be a fifth-year in junior high for Japan. He went to Aoba-Japan International School. A very lively and interactive school in Tokyo, not too far from his apartment. The thing he really loved about this school was most teachers were from the US. If he had to estimate, around 35% were from the US. Which excites him, knowing he had something in common. The downside was their baseball team was not very well known for winning. In fact, they barely had enough player to have a game. Nevertheless, Daniel kept to his words and started baseball. He ran as far as he could every day, which wasn't a lot, he made sure he knew the rules and he made sure to have all the necessary equipment.  

Trying out for the baseball team, Daniel did his best, but it was obvious. The others were much better than him. It didn't surprise him much, seeing as they have more experience and skills in it than he does. He did a lot different things. Like batting, where he'd missed half the balls thrown to him. Pitching, where he had stead control but not enough speed. Field, where he calculated the balls landing point but was unable to field it correctly. Many other tests accrued throughout the tryouts. By the end, Daniel was exhausted and breathing heavily. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking backwards, there he saw the head coach standing there. 

"Boy, how long have you been playing baseball?" He asked in a gruff voice. 

Feeling panic envelops him Daniel answered, "Just a few weeks. I decided to try something new." 

Surprisingly, Daniel's voice was low and steady but you could see panic across his face. He expected the coach to scold him for being as arrogant as to think he would make the team. 

"Really now? I did see some careless mistakes, but I see extreme potential in you, young man!" The coaches voice boomed loudly, attracting the attention of the other players, "I've made up my mind. You'll join the team and I'll personally teach you. What's your name?" 

Daniel could only look at the man in surprise and thankfulness. "Daniel... Daniel Moore, sir. I'm from the United States. I've moved here on my own and live in an apartment not too far from here." Daniel now answered with confidence. 

"Daniel, huh? That a good name! Daniel, my boy, I'm going to make a pitcher out of you!"

From that point on Daniel felt excited where ever he went. He felt more confident in himself and he felt like he could do anything. Although he felt like this, he still wasn't that open to others and it was hard to make friends. And with him being on the baseball team, would mean he would get more attention. But Daniel didn't like the attention. He's never really had attention in his life directed toward him, it felt unnatural to him. Daniel didn't know this at the time, but there was a silent wish in the back of his head. Just waiting to be expressed. Something he didn't even know himself...

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