Sunday, February 8th, 2009

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Today I went to The Script concert and I can't believe how amazing it was. They sang so good and their songs were awesome. It was even better than I expected. My favorite song they sang was probably Heroes. It was so moving and I'm looking forward to the day I can write a song about the person I love. Maybe I could sing it to them too because I like to sing. I'm in a band, White Eskimo. We're pretty good I think, but I have to say that because it's my band.

The funny thing is, at the concert, the best part wasn't even the concert. 

It was the boy I met in the bathroom. 

I was standing at the urinal and I had zipped up my trousers and turned around and ran straight into someone. I said 'Oops,' because I didn't really know what else to say. He looked up at me and smiled from behind these silly glasses. 'Hi,' he said back. I walked to the sinks and washed my hands. I could see him in the mirror and I couldn't stop looking at him. He had really nice hair. Mine is too curly and crazy but his lay on his head nice and evenly and straight and it looked soft and healthy.

I took too long to wash my hands on purpose because I wanted to talk to him more. He told me 'My name is Louis. What's yours?' and I told him my name and we talked about the concert and how much we enjoyed it so far. 'I better be going back to my seat,' he said and I said 'Me too.' 

We left the bathroom and walked next to each other in silence until we came to the opening where you go back in and then I said goodbye and so did he. I guess through the concert I was thinking about him because I still am now. I wish I had gotten more time to talk to him. He seemed so cool. 

I guess fate will let me meet him again someday if that's how it is supposed to be haha! Wouldn't that be crazy? 

I'm also thinking about trying out for The X Factor this season but I don't quite know...we'll see how things work. Mum wants me to help her with dishes now!

-harry x

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