(Chapter 3)(lost and found)

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(Chapter 3)(lost and found)

(Mariah's p.o.v)

I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. I walked into the kitchen to grab me a fruit cup out of the fridge. For some strange reason I love peaches in the morning. I had work again today, I ran the store now...and sometimes I brought Tater into the store with me. He loved playing with all the new toys.

I didn't see mom. I closed the fridge and saw a note stuck on it. 'Be back on Wednesday of next week, decided last minute to go on that vacation'"be good and hold down the fort'.

Hm well looks like I was on my own for a while. It was so quiet here.

I had to run to the vet and get one of the dogs some flea and tick medicine. I braided my long red hair. I put my shoes on and jumped in the truck. I pulled outta the drive and headed to the vets office 20 minutes down the road.

(Brantley's p.o.v)

I was getting ready for my 48 hour shift. I had showered and was putting on my black cargo pants. "Sylo!". I hollered for my dog. Nothing...
"Sylo come on man!!" I hollered again. Still nothing.
"Dammit dog where are you". I say.

(Mariah's p.o.v)

I walked into the vets office and the guy behind the counter smiled seeing me again...he kinda liked me but I wasn't into him.
He didn't like pits much and he didn't support tattoos. "Sup Mariah". He said. "Just came to get some meds for one of the pups". I say. He smiled. "Alrighty". He says going back into the back and getting the dog meds. He handed it to me. "My numbers in there just incase you were to need me." he says. "Right, thanks". I say. I hurried out off the vets office. I jumped in the work van. I was on the way back to villalobos. "Oh my god!" I said to myself. I hit the breaks and turned the wheel sharply right off the road. I stopped quickly.

There was a pit bull walking in the road. It was black and white, it was gorgeous. It ran to me. Luckily it didn't get hit by a car.
I sighed. It jumped up into the van. "Well I guess your coming home with me till we find where you belong". I say. It was sitting on the console. "Sit in the other seat you goofball". I say. It flopped over into the passenger seat. "Well your a boy, figured that out". I say as I kept driving. "Once we get back I'll see who you belong too." I say scratching the top of his head. He wore a black studded collar. He was big and broad chested...he was a handsome dog.
I rolled down the window a bit.he sniffed the little bit of air that flowed in.
We road for 10 more minutes and then pulled in the driveway at Villalobos. Luckily I had a leash in the glove box. I hooked it to his collar. I lead him into the shop..hopefully we'd find who he belonged to soon.

Hell on an AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora