(Chapter 1)(at the base)

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(Chapter 1)(at the base)

(Brantley's p.o.v)

I was asleep when I heard a loud siren. But then realized that it was our pagers going off. I kinda ignored it, I mean come on it was 9:00 at night. But then I heard the code for heart attack. I listened as they all called back and fourth over the line.

Jay my partner ran in putting on his uniform shirt. "Heart attack...young woman". He says. "Like how young?" I asked while putting on my combat work boots. "24." Jay says. "Damn". I say. "Come on lets go". He says. "Where is it?" I asked still groggy from just waking up. "Jeven pike street". He says. "Dude that place is trash man". I say kinda aggravated we'd end up in a sucky situation again. It was just us two at the base so we had to hurry. We drove as fast as we could to the address we were given, sirens wide open. I groaned when we turned in at the trashy place.

(Mariah's p.o.v)

I couldn't breathe and I was scared. Mom wasn't here she was at the house...vacation but more than likely she'd be doing paper work cause that's how she was.
The guys were watching me..then the paramedics pulled up. It was two men..they looked to be my age or around it.
The guys helped get me into the back of the emergency truck.
The men made me lay on the stretcher. I groaned. Then the one with the bright green eyes straddled me. He began hooking all the electrodes to my body. But he had to pull my shirt off. I was wearing a blue camisole under it. It made my long red hair pop that much more. "Don't get mad I'm just doing my job, but I'm gonna have to touch your boob". The guy on top of me, said.
I rolled my eyes. "Its okay, just help me." I say. All the electrodes were on but at this point I was only wearing my bra. "By the way I'm Brantley, just letting you know since I was playing with your boobs." He says. "I'm Jay by the way". The other guy said. I laughed a little at them. "What were you doing here, y'all live here or what?" Jay asked. "No we run a dog rescue someone called and said there was a bunch of dogs here that were being abused."" just left on chains and/
I stopped and started crying. So many of the dogs had already died.  Brantley watched the monitor...but then I noticed he was staring at me, his eyes scanned over my tattoos and everything.
"You've got dry drool on your chin". I say sniffing and wiping my eyes. "What really" he says. "Damn B if you'd stop gawking at the girl maybe we could get our job done". Jay says. I laughed. "EKG is normal...stress. More than likely an anxiety attack at best". Brantley says. "Well darling you are free to go". Jay says. "Thanks guys". I say. Brantley took the electrodes off and all. I got outta the back of the emergency truck. Damn Jay was hot.

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