(chapter 2)(tattoos)

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(chapter 2)(tattoos)

(Mariah's p.o.v)

We had gotten all the dogs back to Villalobos. We let all of them out to pee before putting them back in the van for the night. I was so happy that all the dogs were alright and would be okay. I hoped that my anxiety attack was just a one time thing.
My pit bull tater got excited to see me. I smiled happily at him. I sighed and went to my bed room and pulled off all my clothes and changed into a big sweatshirt. I climbed into bed, tater jumped into bed with me.

(Brantley's p.o.v)

Its been 2 weeks since I had seen the pretty red headed girl. I finally got a few days off. I was up playing on Facebook. I went and liked the Villalobos page so I could keep up with all the Pit Bulls getting rescued.
Sylo was laying next to me...I was scrolling through pictures on the page. Then I saw a picture of the woman we had in the back of the paramedic truck the other night.
I groaned..I was so damn tired. I saw another pic of her and I almost had a damn heart attack.
She was so damn hot. Tattooed sexiness. Damn I was falling in love with a girl I didn't even know yet. I put my phone on the charge and rolled over and tried to get comfortable and get some sleep.


"Dammit be still". I said to her.
"I can't" she said her voice shaking. I kissed her and ran my hands down her naked body. Her red hair cascaded across my pillows. Her legs were wrapped around me. "Hurry up". She breathed pulling me closer with her little hands. I jerked her up and slammed into her. She screamed my name. Her mouth hit mine. My tongue wrestled with hers. She locked her arms around my neck. "Don't stop". She groaned in my ear.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I groaned...damn I needed an ice cold shower. Damn it was all too real.
I sighed and rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. Sylo rolled over onto his back. "At least I got you buddy". I whispered to my 2 year old dog that was dead to the world this late at night.

(Mariah's p.o.v)

I finally had a day off and I was so excited I was getting my hands tattooed.
I walked into my favorite tattoo parlor. "Torres, here for a new tat". He says. "Hell yeah". I say. I tied my hair up. I smiled so excited to get my new tats.
"Well Mariah take a sit down in the tattoo chair." he says. "Alright". I say smiling. "So the same thing we talked about over the phone huh"? He asked. "Yes sir". I say. He began to tattoo the words 'Free Bird' on my fingers. "These tattoos are perfect for you they fit". He says. "Just hate that my fingers are going to be swollen for a few days". I say. "Should have brought tater with you". He says. "Maybe next time". I say.

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