"But this isn't Dipper. Someone did something to him. I don't know what." Bill said.

"Someone must have given him something in his sleep or put a curse or something on him." Mabel said.

"Mabel may be right. A curse or spell would not have done this. A potion of some sort must have though." Gab said.

"Maybe we can find something in his bed." Stan said. He had a knack for finding clues. He was on the run most of his life and he was Mr. Mystery for crying out loud. He had a knack for this kind of thing.

"Well hurry up you slackers!" Bill shouted from the stairs. Everyone else followed him up the stairs and into the shared room.

"Wow! I love your room!" Mabel said in awe looking at the well decorated and designed three part room.

"Yes, yes. Look for anything out of place on Alcor's side of the room." Bill said as he began searching. Everyone else joined in looking for anything out of place. After twenty minutes of searching, Ford had asked about some almost black red stain on Alcor's pillow.

"Black red stain? Where?!" Bill asked hurriedly.

"It's hard to notice because it's so small but here." Ford said pointing to the tiny dot. Bill used his powers to pull the liquid from the fabric of the pillow. He took one look and his eye widened. His sister, who was also looking at the tiny droplet, quickly conjured up a small flask and contained the drop inside it sealing it tightly.

"Considering your reaction, that stuff isn't good is it?" Stan asked.

"Far from it. This is from the river in the Nightmare realm. Or now what was left of it. In the wrong hands it's very dangerous. Go figure. Bill, Tad, Kryptos and I destroyed every last drop of it because if anyone consumes it, it unleashes the evil within and in Alcor's case, it made his inner demon side go haywire and well, Weirdmaggedon 2.0 is the aftermath of it." Gab said gesturing outside.

"We can cure him right?!" Mabel asked fearfully. She just got her brother, or now cousin, back. She was not keen on losing him again.

"Yes, we have to trap him in his summon circle and remove it from his body. That's the fault of this stuff. Our bodies can't absorb it so it just flows around it instead." Gab said.

"Unfortunately it's quite painful. And not in the hilarious way." Bill said.

"So what's the plan to save Dipper and Gravity Falls?" Ford asked.

"It's simple, we break into the Fearamid, knock out the Hexmaniacs or wait for them to leave, and while Gab, Tad and I distract Alcor, you guys draw his summon circle so we can trap him and remove the liquid from his body." Bill said.

"What does his summoning circle look like?" Ford asked.

"Replace the pinetree symbol with a triangle and replace my form design with a pinetree with an eye, top hat and limbs." Bill answered.

"Let's hope it works." Stan said.

"Wait! Can't you guys like read our minds and stuff? Won't Alcor be able to tell where we are just by reading our minds?" Mabel said.

"Oh right, here." Gab said. She lit her hand up in yellow flames and reached with two fingers toward Stans head.

"Back off demon!" Ford shouted getting between Gab and his brother.

"Relax Sixer, I'm putting a mind blocking spell on your minds so Alcor can't read your thoughts." Gab said rolling her eye. She reached out again and tapped Stan's forehead. A small wisp of yellow flames surrounded his head then faded away. Gab did the same for Mabel and Ford then made the flames on her hand disappear.

Son of Bill Cipher (ON HIATUS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu