Chapter 29

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Authors note: Please reread chapters 27 and 28 and i made a huge mistake and had to redo some of the chapters.

The next afternoon, after showing Jane, Grace's tutor out, she joined her daughter on the sofa; she had spent most of the day upstairs on her laptop, trying to figure out what she was going to do.

"So, do you like Jane?" Connie asked.

"She's cool"

"Think you'll get on okay with her every day?"


"Okay; how about we go and see Uncle Charlie and Auntie Zoe? I have to drop some paperwork off"

"You should be resting mom"

"And i have been, all day"

"You think i dont know you were working up there? I heard you on the phone and walking about; i heard you coughing a lot too"

"Nothing gets past you does it?"

"Nope; you should rest mom. I want you better again" Grace pleaded a little.

Sighing, Connie pushed her daughter's hair back from her eyes and noticed the fear in them; she nodded and held her close.

"How about Pizza for dinner then?" Connie offered.

"I'm sick of Pizza mom; cant we have something different?"

"Like what darling?"

"I dont know; anything but Pizza"

"Okay, chinese?"


After ordering the food, they stuck a film on until it arrived; later that evening, Grace had gone to bed and Connie was lying in hers, reading her book when her phone started ringing.

"Hi Charlie" she answered.

"Hi, i thought i'd see how Grace's first tutoring session went?"

"Good; she seems comfortable with Jane and gets on well with her"

"That's good; how are you doing?"

"I'm fine; have you talked to Zoe?"

"A little, she told me you were struggling to decide what to do about work"

"It's a hard decision but Grace comes first"

"I can understand that; you have to do what's right for both of you"

"I'm just not quite sure what that is"

"You'll figure it out" he said before shr heard his name been called. "I've gotta get back but call me"

"I will, thanks Charlie"

As she hung up and put her phone on the side table, she noticed Grace standing in the doorway; she gestured for her daughter to join her as she held her close.

"Cant sleep, eh?"


Stroking her hair, it wasnt long before Grace was asleep once more; kissing her hair, she went back to reading her book until she couldnt keep her eyes open.

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