Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Kayano was a beast today.

Nagisa arrived at school, to only be pulled by his faithful green-haired friend. "Oi, oi, oi! That hurts!" She was pulling him by the pigtails.

If anyone ever did that, Karma would be furious. He would pounce on that poor person, and beat the living daylights out of them. But Kayano, he knew.

He was okay with Kayano and Nagisa's relationship. He knew they had been friends for a while, but if she tried anything, say goodbye Nagisa.

He smiled at Kayano, to which she smiled back, dragging a pained Nagisa to his desk.

"Nagisa Shiota!" She shouted in his ear. He flinched. "What!?" He cried, painfully soothing his pigtails.

"We have a plan!" She cackled.

His eyes snapped to her, excitement filling them. He forgot about his pigtails and continued to press her forward. She smirked victoriously.

"As you can see, Koro-sensei isn't here. We're gonna sneak attack him at the front!"

Nagisa nodded.

"Okay, so...." and she continued to rattle off directions to everyone.

Nagisa ended up getting paired with Karma, and they were to go deep into the woods. He didn't really understand why though.

As he set off with his lover, he asked them what their task was. "I'm not sure myself," Karma said, thinking deeply about her decisions.

"If we're the best combat assassins in the group, why are we so far away?" Nagisa pointed out, leaning on a tree.

Karma shrugged, still lost in thought. They were so far from school grounds. They were pretty much in the middle of the woods.

Nagisa sighed. "I'll go find Kayano, you wait here."

As Nagisa turned away, he walked straight in the direction they came. Isn't it strange how every tree looks the same to you? He saw another familiar one, but then realized that he took a wrong turn. He went back, only to be confused again. "When did I turn?"

This is bad.

Nagisa had gotten lost in the woods, with no one here but himself.

He felt tired suddenly. That's strange. How...?

The air smelt different. What was he breathing? In an instant, he knew.

The blunette fell to the ground, sleeping peacefully.


After half an hour, Karma started to worry. It had taken Nagisa too long to find Kayano. After climbing many trees, he still hadn't seen the beautiful tufts of blue from his companion. What happened to him?

After a while, Karma decided to look around. Maybe Nagisa got lost? Or maybe Kayano put him somewhere else? It wouldn't make any sense to leave him without notice, though.

Another 30 minutes passed until Karma actually found Kayano. She looked a little depressed. "What's wrong?" Karma asked casually. She huffed.

"The plan went totally wrong! Turns out, Koro-sensei's literally on the North Pole!" Karma blinked.

"What about Nagisa?" Kayano sighed. "What about Nagisa. You were the one stationed to him, how should I know?"

The red head froze. "So, you don't know where he is?" He said slowly.

Kayano peeked up at him. "Not a clue."

Something happened to him. Where did he go? Was he lost? Kidnapped? Maybe even dying?

Just the Two of Us (Karma x Nagisa)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora