Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The first thing he felt was pain.

That seemed like the only thing he ever felt.

Nagisa groaned softly, sitting up like an old man. His tail bone was sore, and his previous wounds made the skin around them turn red. He sighed.

Slowly, he put on his clothing for the day. On the weekends, the blunette was allowed to attend breakfast at whatever time. The only difference was he had to make it himself.

Nagisa learned his lesson yesterday. He grabbed a black pencil skirt and some leggings with a cute top and 2 red ribbons to tie his ponytails with.

He gently walked downstairs, saying a quick good morning to his mother while he grabbed something to eat. His mother smiled warmly at him, happy to see him in real clothes. It was like yesterday never happened.

As he looked around the kitchen, his mother called to him. "Nagisa! I want to tell you tonight that we're going to have some guests! I'd like you to wear that beautiful red dress I got you."

The small boy cringed.

"Oh, uh, mom I was actually kinda wondering if I could go out with some friends?"

Even though he did reject his friends request, he never actually asked his mother if he could go out. Maybe there was still time!

Or not...

His mother snapped her head to the kitchen.

Uh oh.

The familiar feeling of despair and fear clogged him as his mother stood up and slowly walked towards her son.

She leaned forward, like she didn't hear him correctly when in fact she heard him perfectly.

"Excuse me?"

Nagisa gulped.

"Could I go, um, out with some friends? They've asked me a lot in the past. I-I thought I could skip the din-"

He was grabbed roughly by the collar of his shirt. His mother gritted her teeth.

"Are you disobeying me? What's wrong with you?! I've given you so much! I just want to see my daughter succeed in life! Oh, what have I done to you?!"

Nagisa was being choked. But soon, his mother turned from sadness to anger. "So you think you can disobey me? That you can just walk away from this! You brat!" She dragged him to the door.

Nagisa pleaded and yelped, his neck was turning cold from loss of circulation.

The woman who Nagisa called mom opened the door and threw him to the ground. He felt a sharp pain in his tail bone once again and cried.

"Think about what you've done! You can't come back in until you understand!"

Is she crazy? It was a cold day and she just threw him out. Like garbage!

She didn't even look back as she slammed the door. Nagisa shook as realization hit him. He heard a click! and dreaded his luck.

His mom just locked him out of his own house.


After many attempts of pleading and trying to get in in other various ways, he gave up. It had been 2 hours and he was sure his hands were turning blue.

He felt defeated.

Nagisa couldn't stay out for long. He'd freeze to death! He needed to go somewhere.

Somewhere warm and comforting.

Nagisa shivered as he walked. He wasn't even quite sure he was thinking straight. A harsh wind broke free and hit him. He felt so cold and lonely.

After walking for a full 15 minutes, he was sure this was his destination. He glanced at the garage and saw not a car in sight. Were his parents on another trip?

He didn't care. He needed warmth. He needed comfort. He needed to feel loved.

He needed Karma.

With shallow breaths, he knocked clumsily on the door. The cold was slowing him down. He felt so numb.

After seconds of waiting, the door was opened. Nagisa was met with a blast of heat, and if he wasn't looking at Karma, he would have moaned.

Karma went into a series of shock and confusion.

"N-Nagisa?! What are you doing!?"

Karma was flustered.

There stood the small blunette, his whole body trembling with a pink tinge in his cheeks and a red nose, the cold wind harshly blowing his hair. Not to mention, he was wearing... girl clothing?!

Nagisa's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed in the red heads arms in exhaustion.

"Oi! What happened?!" Karma was going esthetic.

Nagisa gave him a small smile and stared into his mercury orbs.

"Sorry... sorry for the... intrusion."

And with that, the world around him became dark.

Karma gave a harsh laugh. "No, it's a pleasure." He grabbed both of the frail boys legs and hoisted him up, Nagisa's head resting in the crevice of Karma's neck. The action itself made him shiver.

He was so cold.

How long was Nagisa out there?

Why was he out there?

Karma quickly closed the door and walked to the living room. He placed Nagisa down gently on a couch near the fire place, a peaceful look on his face. Karma admired the small things about the boy.

His legs weren't very long, but they weren't skinny either. His hips were like a girls, bigger than any male should have. His waist was tiny, he understood why many girls in the End Class envied Nagisa. His chest was skinny, like he hadn't eaten in days. His soft, pale skin was like a dolls. When Karma carried him, he felt like air.

Simply put, Nagisa was fragile.

Although, during training, he was anything but fragile.

To the whole class, Nagisa resembled a vicious snake. He seemed harmless, but get him angry and he'll be sure you regretted it.

His attacks were quick and he had amazing reflexes. He always made sure that before he started something, he inspected his opponent for a weak spot and had a plan.

Karma was afraid of that Nagisa. Even being the biggest delinquent, he had to have his fears. Ever since he met Nagisa, something was always off. He stayed away for that reason, but now he wished he didn't.

When he joined the End Class and saw Nagisa, his mind always wandered to the blunette. He was mysterious in his own way, and happened to slither out of situations he found dangerous. In a way, Karma admired Nagisa.

At least he thought it was admiration.

He grabbed a blanket and wrapped the poor boy in heat, grabbing his hand to make sure he wasn't as cold as before.

What could have done this?

Who could have done this?

Why did this happen... to his best friend?

Just the Two of Us (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now