We Did A Duet / we became girls

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Travis's POV

Two weeks later after Zane's scars healed he's been quiet lately. He now started to sing in the shower which is a first whenever I'm at his house. It's not often I get to hear that beautiful voice sing. We're watching TV rightmost on the couch. I'm lying on back and he climbs onto my stomach and hugs me. It was 7:33 and it seemed dark outside, so he was probably tired from something. "Hey Zuzu are you Ok" I asked him he lifted up his head and shook it. "It's just that I'm worried about what people think of us?". "The fact that we're gay it's just weird for people". I looked at him with a warm smile, I told him not to worry about anything.

Zane's POV

Even though Travis told me not to worry about anything I still worry. I look over at my phone which was on the table. I get off of Travis and grab it. I was scrolling through YouTube and see a new update from 'Nightcore reality' a person I follow for new music. (That's me I love nightcore😆)There was of my two favorite songs. I thought of asking Travis to do duet with me but he probably doesn't know the song. "Hey what's up?" Travis asked me I couldn't help but to ask him. "Travis do you sing?" I asked him. "Um yeah but not that often why do you ask Zuzu"he stared at his phone. "Well I was just thinking I know it's stupid but I want you to sing a duet with me"

Travis POV

When Zane asked me that question I couldn't deny him. "Sure my Zuzu" I replied to him with a smile I couldn't help that he wanted to sing with me and the fact that he is really good at it. "Thank you so much" he gave me a small peck on the cheek and tapped the song. I wasn't tuned that he gave me a kiss on the cheek I was just happy that I made him happy.

*play music*
Zane: round round like a horse on a carousel
here we go
Will I catch up to love I can never tell
I don't know
Chase after is like a fairy but I feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel
Travis: All friends on heathens take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abused
Welcome to the that love
Washed away

(Continue) Travis's POV

When we were done I couldn't help but I wanted to kiss him again. I lean in closer to him "um Travis what are yo-" his back falls on the couch I come closer and lean in closer but before I could kiss him Lucinda smashes the door down. Zane and I sat back up. "Lucinda the door come on"! I yelled at her " don't mind the door I want you to tries these potions" she thew potions at both me and Zane. When I opened my eyes I felt lighter and my clothes felt different when I realized I became a girls. My sweater helped up my boob's I had a bra on for some reason and I had black leggings. I looked over at Zane and he had beatiful dress on with short black hair. "Ok bye guys um I'm gonna go the spell where's off only for a week". Lucinda left both of us looking like girls, but I didn't want him to see me like this. I run upstairs I couldn't help it but sob in the room I hated it. The last time I was a girl it was the scariest experience, but this time I'm just stay home all week.

Zane's POV

Travis runs upstairs in tears I didn't know why. I got up and run after him so, but when I got right upstairs he was on the rug sobbing. "Travis are you Ok"? I walk in the room slowly he looked up and tears where rolling down his face. "N-no don't come over here" Travis put his back towards me I deny him and come closer. I hugged him, he barely moved he didn't push me I was happy that I could get a moment like this. "Travis please look at me I don't want you to be mad at me" I told him in a soft voice. He turned around, her hair was gorgeous but his face wasn't. I leaned in and I gave him a small peck on the cheek she was surprised by it. "Zuzu.. do you still love me even if I an like this" he asked me I didn't want to deny her. So I leaned in closer one more time and I kissed her on the lips, and when I pulled away he kissed me back. I was happy so I pull her closer and gave her a hug. She later then explain why she hated being a girl, but I couldn't help but just leave her like this. I grabbed her hand and stood up I brought her downstairs even though it was very cold outside I just opened the door and showed her that there's nothing to worry about. I closed it and sat down on the couch she came over and sat down next to me. Her hair was soft I wanted to just touch it but I was afraid she would say something. Later that night she fell asleep on me I couldn't help just to pick her up but I knew she would wake up. So I grabbed a small blanket and put it over her, but as I was falling while watching TV. Things went black for me I knew I was dreaming about something horrible, but that didn't stop me from being happy. I dreamt about a different world where I was killing everyone and I became a shadow of some sort. When I woke up Tracy Travis's girl name wasn't there but I woke up with a delicious smell in my face I couldn't put my finger on what it smells like. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen I saw Tracy cooking it was an omelet, my favorite thing in the world. "Good morning Zuzu did you a nice dream" he asked as she was serving me food I didn't want to worry her I told her "yeah um it was a crazy dream so don't remember much"

Ok guys this chapter is done next one is called "Zana And Tracy" in wonderland just for a sneak peak see u next time my fellow readers.

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