Start from the beginning


Sulagna and Vikas sat beside each other on the bed. Sulagna broke the silence and said "Umm Vikas. Sonu was suggesting that we should tell Inseparable10 about us."

Vikas said "Maybe we should Sulu. After all, they're our besties." Sulagna nodded.

She said "We should probably reveal it during the train journey."

He said "That sounds good. By the way, that day, when Soni tried to set you up with me, I mean telling that we're made for each other and stuff, are those qualities of your dream boy is what you wanted ?"

She nodded and said "Yes. You're my prince in the shining armour."

He looked at her and promised "In that case, I promise to have you as the one and only princess of my life." Sulagna looked at thr ground and blushed while Vikas took her hand into his and kissed het knuckles.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Sonitha went to the garden and saw Kushal sitting on a bench and looking at the sky. Sonitha went and sat beside him snaking her arm around his. She asked him "What are you thinking about Kushal ?"

He answered "The way our life had changed in the past five years Nitya. When I found out that you were gone, I was broken. I didn't know what to do. Mom and Dad too didn't know what to do. Probably, that was when I started immersing myself in various other things that tried to help me to overcome the sadness of losing you. Mom and Dad didn't like the way I was taking to overcome the sadness. I had stopped talking to them. I've distanced myself from all of them. It was only later that I realized that mom and dad are mourning over the same loss I was and from them, I started talking with them and focused on my life and career. The moment I saw you here, it was a total different feeling. Rest, you know."

She told him "Kushal, it was way more tough for you than it was for me. I didn't know who I was when I woke up. Shikha maa and Papa were the only ones I knew back then. I didn't know anything about my past. In the first year of engineering, I fell in love with a guy. Probably, it was just an attraction back then. I was in a relationship with him for over a year. Later, I came to know that he was cheating over me with another girl. I was devastated. Luckily, I didn't have any physical relationship with him. It sure might be attraction but I lost trust over love after that. My life was different before and after the accident and it's different now. All that matters to me, now, is that I've got you back and I've got Inseparable10 who's back we'll always have through all odds."

He put his hand around her shoulder and said "Your right Nitya. We've got Inseparable10. Also, forget that relationship of yours because, the past is in the past. I'm sure Inseparable10 holds way more place in your heart than that guy." She agreed and nodded.

Both of them, then disperse to their rooms. 

2 days later :

Inseparable10, along with their luggages, assembled near the gate. Rahul suggested "Let's book cabs. That should be better than taking an auto."

Arjun agreed and said "You're right Rahul. We're ten people, we'll book 3 cabs so that we can reach the railway station comfortably." Everyone agreed with them and Karan booked cabs for all of them.

They took the cabs to railway station and once they reached the railway station, Divya informed them "Guys, our train will be here in ten minutes. Luckily, all of us got our berths in the same compartment."

Shefali said "Now, the seats we've got, we'll get to know only once we board the train." Everyone nodded.

Karan asked Divya "Divu, how long does it take to reach Ahmadabad ?"

Divya replied "It'll take almost seven hours. We'll be there by night. Dad is sending cars to pick us up."

Nia asked "Where are we staying though ? At your place, Divu ?"

Divya nodded in a no and replied "Mom told me that the place where we're gonna stay for the next few days is a surprise and we'll only get to know that when we get there."

Rahul said "Sounds interesting. Let's see."

The train soon arrived and all of them boarded the train. Divya informed them "Guys, we've got the six seats in one set. The other four are in the next set."

Shefali said "Doesn't matter. All of us are going to stay together anyway. It's only in the afternoon, that probably, we're going to sleep and that's when we'll need to move to our sets."

Nia said "Yeah. I guess, all the guys and a guy can be accommodated here and the rest in the next set." All of them agreed.

Sulagna and Vikas were continuously exchanging secret glances at each other which didn't go unnoticed by Sonitha. Sulagna whispered to Sonitha "Yaar Sonu. Do something no. Announce it to everyone."

Sonitha teased her "What do you mean by 'It'. Anyway, you announce it to yourself." She quoted 'It' in air quotes.

Sulu punched her arm lightly and said "I meant mine and Vikas's relationship. Dude, please yaar. Itna nhi kar sakti aapne bestie ke liye. (Can't you do such a small thing for your bestie ?)"

Sonitha said "Stop your emotional blackmail. I'm -"

She was cut off by Divya who asked them "What's cooking between both of you ?"

Sonitha took the opportunity and said "Nothing Divu. Vikas and Sulu want to announce something."

Everyone's attention shifted to Sulagna and Vikas. Vikas said "Umm.. actually, me and Sulu are in a relationship."

Everyone cheered and Karan said "That was expected you know."

Rahul said "Exactly. It was evident that you both liked each other. Anyway, congratulations to the both of you."

All of them hugged Sulagna and Vikas and congratulated them. They spent the rest of the train journey teasing SuVi, the shipping name that they gave to Sulagna and Vikas, playing games and spending some memorable moments.

Every moment that they were spending together was bringing them closer to each other. Where on one side, sparks were ignited between SuVi, on the other side, the others bonded stronger. Some new feelings were taking birth in many hearts, feelings of friendship, love, attraction or whatsoever. But, the base for all these feelings is 'A RELATIONSHIP CALLED FRIENDSHIP'.


So, here we are with the new chapter of ARCF. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please share this story with your frnds.

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