It takes me 15 minutes to sketch out the idea for her. She looks scared when I am done.
"I can't do it", she says shaking her head vigorously.
"Haven't you had enough of this tortured life? Aren't you tired of living under the shadow of fear? You deserve better than this. Your family deserves better than this. Do you want your little brothers to continue their childhood with death all around them? Do you want your mother to cry herself to sleep day after day? Do you want your father to die of grief? You can do this Meher, just a little courage. It's better to die trying than continue living in this hell hole. And think of the outcome if you succeed. Your father will have a peaceful life, your mother will be able to smile after a long long time. Your brothers can have the best of future. Everyone will be free to follow their desires and live their dreams. And you can finally have a husband who really loves you".
She ponders over what I have said.
"I will do it!" she says. Though her hands are trembling I can see hope in her eyes.
"You are an angel Saeed, sent to save me from the beast"

Why does everyone keep comparing me to an angel? And my enemy to a beast?

A servant bursts in the garden.
"Aadab, an urgent message for you Begum"
Meher's face pales. "Saeed, you need to leave right now", she urges me.
I run behind her to the door.
"But who is the message from?", I ask.
"Mir Saleem. He sends me a warning whenever my husband decides to come back home unannounced. May Allah bless him".
"Allah Hafiz Meher. Start acting on the plan".

O Allah! Please give her the courage to act. Please give her the strength to stand strong, I pray while climbing down from the tree. I hit the ground and walk along the huge walls that border the Shahi housing. I notice a young girl standing under a tree her neck strained gazing at the leaves above. What was so interesting among the leaves? I go and stand next to her and look up. Stuck there was a grand blue kite.

"Is it yours?"
"No, it belongs to my brother. He lost it last week and here it is! Hidden in the tree"
"It's a pretty kite", I comment.
"I will go and ask Akhi to take it before someone else spots it", she says turning away. I pull her back.
"Wait, why don't you take it back yourself and surprise him?"
"I will not be able to reach it", she says.
"I will help you"
She looks at me from head to foot, taking in my gown and veil.
"Forget it ukhti, you will not be able to do it", she says shaking her head.
"Just watch me", I challenge her.
I am up on the first branch in a second. From there I cautiously climb up branch by branch taking care of my clothes. The little girl below is clapping her hands and cheering me. I hope no one spots me doing such antics, that too with my veil on. I must be looking like a joke from below. I reach the kite and sit on the branch near it. I slowly pull it out trying not to tear it. I hold it from above and shake it at the girl. She is dancing for joy. I let the kite go and it sails down into her arms. I make my way down and she hugs my legs.

"You are a hero", she says.
"Well, I guess I am", I say shrugging. "Run along and surprise your brother".
That huge smile never leaves her face! It is worth taking the pains just to see a smile light up someones face. Why hadn't the world realized this fact yet? The world would be a much better place with more helping hands, for helping hands are better than praying lips.

I take the least trodden path back home which goes through the forest. I need some peace and quiet to think and this lonely way is the best.

Once I gather evidence on the Shehenshah's death I will have a strong hold on Mir Jafar. I just need to tighten the web all around him by finding proofs of his other misdeeds. By that time Shehzada will be ready enough to ascend the throne and we can send Mir Jafar to the gallows. It is not going to be as easy as it sounds but the final fruit is worth the efforts.

I stop abruptly for I had noticed some movement on my right behind a cluster of trees. Who could be out in this heat and in this lonely place? Mostly an animal. I cautiously make my way around. Oh oh oh..... This is embarrassing. I shouldn't have come! For behind the tree were 2 lovers exchanging letters. I immediately turn to leave but stop dead in my tracks as a realization hits me. The girl was Saira! Allahu Akbar! What was she up to?

I quickly hide behind the tree and think what to do. I can't leave her here. From the way she was behaving it was clear she was afraid of being caught. I did not want any harm to come to her. But before that I needed to make this girl understand that falling in love isn't wrong but continuing it the haram (unallowed) way is.

The guy leaves her as soon as he is done giving her the message (which I couldn't hear) and the letter. He briskly walks away looking over his shoulders. If Saira looked scared this fellow looked petrified. What made these two so scared? Why couldn't they just consult their elders and get married?

Who was this fellow? As far as I could recall I had never seen him before. Why hadn't Saira told me about him? May be my anti-love views had held her back. I kick myself in my mind for being such a terrible friend.  How can you call yourself a friend of someone when that person is not comfortable sharing her deepest secrets with you? I wait till the boy disappears out of sight. Saira stands there under the tree lost in thought. I don't want to confront her here. It will just make her feel ashamed of herself and that might harm our friendship. I need to deal with this calmly and carefully.

She removes the letter and reads it. Her face glows with happiness. And this is what love did to people. A single letter can make her day. She quickly puts back the letter and starts walking towards her home. I follow her. After crossing two lanes I call out to her.


Sa'eed - The WarriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon