Teddy Bear

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Nick couldn't help but, noticed that Clementine was sad

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Nick couldn't help but, noticed that Clementine was sad. He was about to ask what was wrong until Luke walked up to him.

"Nick come on..."

Nick and Luke were looking out on a supplies run. Nick nods his head and follows Luke.


Nick and Luke were looking in a store. They were looking around and Nick saw something so, he walked towards it.

It was a medium sized teddy bear with a purple ribbon around it's neck. Nick smiled and picked it up, he thought it would cheer up Clementine.

"Nick, you ready to go?"

Nick put the teddy bear in his backpack and ran over to Luke. They left and started to head back.


They got back to the cabin and put the supplies on the kitchen table.

"We're back!" Luke said

Luke went off to do something and Nick grabbed the teddy bear out of the backpack.

He headed up stairs and was standing in front of Sarah's and Clementine's bedroom door. He knocked on the door and had the teddy bear behind his back.


"Who is it?"

She sounded like she has been crying, for a while.

"It's Nick...can I come in?"


Nick walks in and see Clementine sitting up on the bed, rubbing her eyes. He gets to her level and looks at her.

"Are you okay?"


"I thought this might cheer you up..."

Nick takes the teddy bear from behind his back and gives it to Clementine.

She smiles and hugs the teddy bear "Thanks Nick..."

"Feel better?"

Clementine nods her head and hugs the teddy bear, tightly.

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