One - TheHamsterNinja

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Such a lonely number, yeah?

It's at the very beginning of the number line (not counting negatives of course) and it's odd.

One-sided love.

One thing that can't be shared.


My life has been like that for eighteen years.

Since I was old enough to begin wandering on my own, I've learned to hunt for oneself. Sleep with oneself. Eat by oneself.

How truly lonely? Very.

I had a few years of that as a small child. Barely having any change to eat; not even having enough to get a water bottle.

I was a monster to people. Parents herded their children in the opposite direction when I came by the park. People said I had killed the almighty Fourth Hokage -- my father to be exact.

I didn't know he was my father. I didn't even know the old man that came to the stream with me sometimes to tell me stories was a Hokage. He told me stories of my father who I didn't even know was.

The more he spoke of the Hokages the more I knew that that's what I wanted to be. I needed to become one to prove to everyone I wasn't a monster.

I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I was going to become the strongest to show everybody that I was the one.

The one to protect everybody.

The one that everybody adores.

I took my happiness into my own hands and make it happen.

I did. I happily did.

I trained my ass off under waterfalls and long nights. I ran miles and miles, I lifted boulder to fill him my strength and chakra. I learned to combine my power with the demon that causes me so much shun.

I made friends out of enemies.

I protected a whole village of a people who saw me as a monster to prove them wrong countless times.

I showed the world I am a hero instead of the enemy.

And finally, I was no longer one self.

I am barely alone.

I have an assistant that follows me around; nagging me on a daily basis. I have mentors who scold me for overworking myself. I have teachers who still act like fathers whenever I need help.

My new home is no longer the stuffy apartment with ramen cups all over the floor.

It's a home.

With three different rooms up some stairs and plants to give it a sensational smell. Magazines and sewing kits sitting in the living room in front of the TV I enjoy relaxing on when I come home after a long day.

My very own office just down the hallway from the front door for when I need peace and quiet.

Yes...sometimes I do need peace and quiet.

Especially with two toddlers storming through the floors and banging up this beautiful house. Screeching, crying and laughing.

It's too cute for me to get annoyed at any time.

One boy.

One girl.

Two kids.

My children.

Never giving me a wink of sleep even when one is four and the other is two. My daughter, the youngest one, is learning how to speak slowly so all she really does is scream, laugh and cry because she knows she's our baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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