Into his arms....

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 I have often dreamt of falling from a great height. My body feels weightless and the air, unrealistically light, while my body takes the unwilling dive. Usually such dreams are vivid and I wake up clutching my bedsheet, desperately trying to break my fall.

This was meant to be one such moment. I was meant to wake up tense and sweaty in my hotel bed, instead what I felt underneath my back was hard concrete and the back of my arms prickled with fresh bruises as if someone had tossed me unsavourily from my bed. Groggily I opened my eyes and blinked against the blurry form of a neem tree.

"What on Earth?" I exclaimed and got up.

I found myself standing on the side of a barren road. Behind me, I could see a large majestic building in the distance. Why on Earth was I sprawled out on a pavement? Did I drank too much last night and passed out on a sidewalk? Oh, my parents would be so ashamed. Holding my throbbing head gingerly, I leaned against a lamp post. Had I not been worried sick about the missing memories of a whole night, then perhaps I would have appraised the Victorian-era imitation of the post with its well-engraved iron holding. Then again even a girl as careless as me could not avoid the truth when it hits me in the face, literally.

 And so there standing under the pink sky with its disappearing sun, feeling much like a lost drunkard with loose strands of my hair falling on my face, the nature decided to play its tragedy. The wind blew fast as Usain Bolt and I shielded my eyes against the piercing fragments of dust, until.. SMASH!

A newspaper blew right on my face. Sighing I removed it, staring blankly at the frontpage. What's the day today? Don't I have a meeting to attend?

And with that, the memories of last night rushed back with force. My story on wattpad, Dev's call, Company bagh... but wait, that does not explain my waking up on a pavement. I looked at the newspaper again. On the top most corner of the paper were scribbled some Devnagiri numerical, I squinted trying to read them clearly. They translated to:-

February 27, 1931.

My writing echoed back in my thoughts.

I wish that I were in 1931.

"What?!" I called out hoarsely, " What sort of joke is this?!"

I tried to steady myself but my leg buckled under the weight. I felt tired as if I had been on a long journey. Glaring at the paper, I turned to toss it away but a loud sound echoed through the evening breeze, followed by the raucous call of birds as they flew away. My hand stilled.


The sound repeated itself. Hair at the back of my neck prickled. Was that that the sound of gun shots?Perhaps it was just the sound of some machine and my over-active imagination was playing with me.


I turned my head to look in the direction of the noise but something collided to my side with a great velocity and I found myself falling back. Shade of blue filled my vision. The only thing I had seen closest to these shining orbs was the Beryl crystal which I had seen once during a geological exploration in a cavern. Perhaps these gems were embedded in a human face... but I could not be so sure, for my vision was disappearing into a blanket of haziness. I felt my legs giving out and those bright oceans of blue drew nearer, something encircled my waist and then I was floating in a sea of nothingness.

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