Chapter 2

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"Let's go." shirt guy said in an even more impatient tone. He roughly grabbed my left arm and dragged me to their cars. I tried to throw his hand off, but he his hand tightened around my arm. Cutting off al circulation. I Felt that part of me getting numb and was going to slap his hand when another hand came and grabbed my other arm before I could hit.

I looked and saw that it was another one of those creeps that had first started chasing me. I glared at him when I saw that his eyes were glued to my barely covered ass. He sensed my eyes on him and dragged his eyes to mine then quickly looked away, blushing with embarrassment at being caught. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Men. They were so easy! A little eye-candy and BAM! Their putty in your hands. I'd seen enough girls do it to know that all guys want something physical. It was hard to find someone who cared about you for you and not just your body. Sad really.

I was jerked out of my thoughts when a-hole 1 & 2 practically threw me into a blue SUV. "Hey! I have legs!" I yelled as the other dude slid in the back with me and shirt dude slid up front with the wheel.

"Make sure she doesn't try to escape Luke. Alpha is going to want to deal with her." The one up front told the one next to me who I guess was named Luke. He looked deep in thought looking out the window and just nodded. I sighed and rolled my eyes. As if I would try to even get out of a moving car. I don't want to die. Something they said caught my attention though.

"Wait, alpha? What's he going to do to me? Am I going to die?" I asked in a worried voice. I had seen what they sometimes do to rogues. And believe me, it was not pretty.

"Well the rogues that come around here are either looking for power and challenge him, or are just passing through. He usually tests them to see what their intentions are. If the mean no harm, he'll let them go. But if they intend to do harm, he kills them." Luke said, still staring out the window.

This time I directed my question at the guy up front. I still didn't know his name. Not that I liked him much anyway. "Do a lot of rogues come here often?"

He looked at me in the mirror and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know?" His voice was annoyed and bored. Is that his only attitude!?

"I want to know because don't want to die! Idiot." I was really getting fed up with this guy. He was making my blood boil. He looked away from me and answered, "I don't think he'll kill you right away. There aren't many female rogues, so he'll probably ask for input first. That answer all your questions rogue?" He clearly did not want to talk to me. What did these people have against rogues? It's not like I chose this life for myself. If it were up to me, both my parents and brother would still be alive.

"Ya, I guess so." I muttered. But I knew that they could hear me.

The rest of the ride went by in silence. Luke lost in thought, shirt guy driving and looking annoyed again. What was his Problem! He should smile or he's never going to get a girlfriend, or a mate. Well not that his mate will have much of a choice, I thought. Gladly I haven't found my mate yet. I don't want a mate or a pack; I like being free and doing whatever I want.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the car turned off and shirt dude said, "We're here." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing, I thought. And with that, I stepped out of the car and took in my surroundings.


Hi! it's me again! what do you think so far? i know, not much action and its kinda confusing on how the book starts and why she's running. But things will get exlapined later on in the book, promise! oh, and you meet the alpha in the next chapter, so keep on reading!

<3 xx <3

He's The Alpha, I'm the RogueWhere stories live. Discover now