So this was Jaxon, she thought. Behind him was a lady, who also looked fairly young. She offered the girl a warm smile. "I'm Krysta."

Ruby just nodded and forced on a smile, trying to hide her discomfort. Krysta looked around, as if in search of something. Then, she said, "Where's Isaac?"

Parker swung an arm around Krysta and shrugged. "Probably hiding in his room. You know him. He's got a good sense of smell. I'm sure he's feeling--"

Jaxon cut him off with a swift elbow to the rib, and coughed. "Well, darling! You must be starving!" he said, grabbing Ruby's wrist. She didn't resist, she just let him drag her to the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Isaac was sitting in his room, well aware that another stupid, foolish human had made their way into the house. Hadn't they heard the stories? This wasn't a safe place to be. He sighed, plopping onto his bed and rolling onto his back, closing his eyes as the memories of his past came flooding back. He remembered the face of the girl he loved, her smile, her eyes... 

"Isaac?" a familiar voice interrupted. He flinched, glancing at the person standing in the doorway. Kylie. She stood, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and smiling at him. "Dinner's ready. Guess what we're eating."

He sighed. "What you and I once were."

"Think her blood is as sweet as they say?" Kylie asked, an eager grin spread across her lips. "God, it's been ages since I've had real human blood."

"Ages?" Isaac rolled his eyes. "More like four days."

 "Oh, come on." Kylie frowned. "Stop being so bitter. She's dead. Get over it. Move on."

He winced at how simple she'd made it sound. She wasn't just dead. He'd killed her. "Easier said than done."

She rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to him. "Yeah, whatever. I don't like you when you're like this."

"Like what?" he asked.

 "Like... Mopy."

"You're not helping."

"Right," she sighed, lying down and laying her head against his shoulder. "You're a little puppy." She glanced up at him and grinned.

Isaac rolled his eyes, smiling a little.

"You should go downstairs... Eat something."

"I'm not hungry," he replied.

"Please? You don't have to eat with us..." Kylie mumbled against his shoulder.

Isaac ran his fingers through her hair, gently. Then he stopped himself. "No thanks," he breathed. His voice went cold. "Get out. Lock the door behind you, please."

Kylie looked at him, a little shocked and hurt, but obeyed with a sigh and left, slamming the door. Isaac looked away and closed his eyes, the memories flashing back again. He remembered the blood, seeping out of the claw marks and staining her shirt which had been carved into her, the cuts and the scratches marked across her skin. He didn't remember anything, which was the worst part. He was left to imagine. He wondered if she'd tried to fight him - if she'd tried to get away. He couldn't bear the thought of it. All he was left with was the memory of her laying limp in his arms, eyes still wide with shock, her skin ice cold and smeared with blood. He'd killed the love of his life, and he hated himself for it.

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