He stepped in and shut the door behind him, propping his back against it. His nephews were already there, Sam analyzing the door that lead to Tom while the others gathered around him like a human shield. Because that's what they did. They respected and took care of each other. And that was exactly what he wanted.

"Guys, we have company!" he called out, then hurried between Billy and Jim and raised his fists.


Angie couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten something. Or when she'd had proper sleep for that matter. But as she stared down at the malevolent men filling up the room, it didn't matter. Because she was minutes away from Tom. And if Sam couldn't get that door open, she'd tear it down using her nails if she had to.

The men took their guns out.

"Smoke bombs," Sam said over his shoulder, unimpressed.

Angie pulled out her smoke bomb from the pocket of her bulletproof vest and threw it towards the incoming men. Smoke filled the room at once, making the air hard to breathe, making it impossible to see. She could barely make out the reddish line at the bottom of the wall where the hidden door was. And, with a triumphant call from Sam, the line turned into a big square. Without giving it a second thought, she charged at the new door.

A shot rung through the room followed by a yell. Angie threw herself to the ground.

"Wow, these guys are stupider than I thought," Kyle said from somewhere to her left.

"Don't shoot, you morons!" Eye Patch yelled. "There's a lot more of you than them."

"Statistics are a bitch, huh?" Jimmy said, sounding amused.

Angie scrambled back to her feet, making her way between bodies, towards the light. Someone came out from the smoke and tackled her from the side. They both tumbled to the floor. Pain shot up Angie's spine as her elbows hit the hard surface. She sucked air through her teeth, but rolled into a crouch. She was completely surrounded by smoke and the little light made it even harder to see; like headlights in the fog.

A body appeared out of nowhere in front of her. She stepped back, but didn't get to raise her arms and defend herself before a fist appeared in front of her eyes. She shut them, bracing for impact. It never came.

Angie opened one eye warily. There was someone beside her, someone who had caught the guy's balled hand before he could strike her. Someone wearing nothing but rags and a determined expression.

"Tom," she breathed.

He didn't look at her, just stared the goon down, his eyebrows drawn together in annoyance. He didn't have his sunglasses. There was a deep gash above his right eye, still bleeding. There was blood everywhere, either still sipping or dried. On his face, on his arms, on the reminder of that scarlet t-shirt. Angie gritted her teeth. Tom didn't have a scarlet t-shirt and he sure as hell wasn't wearing one when he'd been captured.

Tom, pulled the attacker towards him and elbowed him in the face hard enough to break his nose and send him stumbling into the smoke. He threw her one fleeting glance before moving out of her line of sight.

"No, get back here!" Angie rushed after him, but had no idea where she went. Shadows danced around her and she couldn't even tell if they were friends or foes. Her heart drummed in her temples, making it hard to think. She was sure she was being stupid, that she was missing something, doing something wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was. Not anymore.

"Pull back towards the room. Now!" Sam called.

Angie changed direction at once, her feet slipping on the stone floor and hurried towards the square of light. Of course, the room. They'd be able to see in there. Unfortunately, so would Snitch Gravel's men. She cleared the door at a run, spun on the spot and pointed her pistol at the door. William and Jim did the same, and the moment Billy and Ron rushed in, they started shooting towards the smoke covered opening. Screams and curses drifted in from the other side.

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