2) HunHan - Fears

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I'm so exited, today's my first date with Luhan.
We'll go to an amusement park.
I was so happy as he asked me for the date,
because I always thought that he doesn't even notice me.

Now I stood since over an hour in front of the mirror, trying to make my hair and a little bit Makeup.
I want to be pretty for Luhan Hyung.

As the door bell rang, I calmed myself down, went there and opened the door.
How expected: It was Luhan.

"Annyeong Sehunnie", he smiled at me, "Are you ready?"

I nodded, take my shoes and my phone and turned back to Luhan.
" Yes, now I'm ready", I smiled soft.

As we went to the amusement park, we talked about our favourite Things and our dreams.
He want to be a singer and actor or a famous soccer player.
And I.. I just want to be happy.
Marry someone, adopt children, that's all what I want.

"We're here"
I locked up to the driving roller coasters and nodded.
"The roller coasters are so fast, omo", I said while I searched my wallet.

"It's okay, Hunnie, I'll pay for you, okay?
Because it's our first date and I'm a gentleman"

Before I could say something, he payed and gave me my ticket.
Then he asked me which roller coaster I want to drive first.

"Ah, there are so many great roller coasters.
Let's start with a calm one".
Luhan nodded.

- - -

After we drove some 'little' roller coasters, we were hungry and decided to eat something.
While I ate my pommes, I looked at Luhan.
Since we were here, he was really quiet.
Maybe I was to boring for him..
or he thought I'm childish..

Or he just don't like you.

No.. would he ask me for a date if he doesn't like me?
I don't think so.

"Hyung, can we go to the 'Hurricane' now?", I asked and did some cute aegyo.

He looked up to the fastest of all roller coasters in this park, then he nodded slowly.
"Ye.. why not, looks like.. fun.."

But before we could join, Luhan saw some of his friends.
"Oh, sorry, I have Yixing something important to say.. uhm.. you can go without me..", he smiled and then went to the others.

A bit surprised I stand there and waited, because it was my favourite roller coaster and I really wanted to go with him.
After a while he looked to me and gave me a hand sign that I should go without him, so I went alone.

The roller coaster was so much fun and happily I went outside the shop with the photos, but as I looked around, Luhan and his friends were nowhere to see.
My good mood changed.
I sat on a little stonewall and looked on the ground.
He didn't liked me too.

A few minutes later, Luhan came back with his friends, all were eating ice cream.
Luhan smiled to his friends and then went back to me.
"Which one do you want to drive now?", he asked and looked over his shoulder to Lay, where starred at him and gave him his thumbs up.

"None. It's okay, I know now you don't want to be here with me", I smiled sadly, "Go and have fun with your friends. Thank you for the beautiful day until now.."
I bowed, turned around and went home.


I starred at his back.
I knew, I hurt him and that's not what I wanted.

Why are you waiting, Idiot, follow him!

But.. I didn't.
I was to scared how he would react.

Slowly I walked back to Yixing.
"I think you can stop searching a shippname for Sehun and me".

"What? But why?
HunHan sounds good, doesn't it?
Tell me, what happend?"

So I repeated Sehuns words.
"I think he's sad right now", Yixing said.
"Oh really!? You're not very helpful.
I'm sad too by the way", I mumbled.

"Why didn't you just tell him that you're scared of heights?"

"I'm seventeen and I'm a man!
That's such a childish fear.
What if he laugh when I tell him that I'm scared of heights?!"

Jongin, another friend of mine and also one from Sehuns closer friends, interfered us.
"Sehun wouldn't laugh. He's scared of bug, that's not really manly too.
Just go to him and explain everything, I know he will understand".
I nodded.
"Okay.. okay.
But what if he doesn't like me anymore?"
Jongin laughed.
"Trust me, he will.
He's loving you since more than two years, Hyung."

So I ran the whole way back to Sehuns House.
"Sehun-ah! Sehun-ah! Please come out!"
After a while, the front door opened, but it was just his mother.
"Annyeonghaseyo Luhan..
I'm sorry but he won't leave his room.
Maybe it's better if you leave now,
so he can calm down a bit.
He was so happy you asked him out, but as he realized that you don't like him the same way he likes you.. it was a bit to much for him.
Please give him some time, you'll see him tomorrow in school.
Annyeong Luhan-ah!"
And with these words, she closed the door.

But.. I like you too, Sehunnie..

As I went home, I decided to talk to him properly tomorrow in School.

But the next day, Sehun wasn't there.
He didn't come to school the whole week.
'Is he sick?', I asked myself, ' does he avoid me? Of course he does, he thinks it was all just a game or something..

On Valentines Day, I bought flowers, Bubble Tea and a little bear and stood in Front of his window.
"Sehun? I know you're here!
But you don't have to come out, if you don't want to, just listen carefully, okay?"
I starred up to his window, but there was nothing to see, so I continued.
"I'm sorry for the day in the amusement park, I didn't want to hurt you..
No, everytime I see you, I want to protect you with everything I have.
I love you too, Sehunnie..
The reason why I didn't come with you to this roller coaster is.. well.. I'm scared of heights and I didn't want to show you.
I'm really sorry..
I bought you some presents, I'll put them in front of the front door.
So.. see you tomorrow in school?
Good Night, Sehun-ah.. sleep well..".

How I said, I put the three things in front of the door and turned around.
While I talked, I had the hope that Sehun will come out.. he didn't.
With a sigh I started walking home, but suddenly I felt two strong arms  around me and turn me around.
He didn't say anything and kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and replied to the kiss; tried to put all my feelings for him in it.
"I love you, Luhan, and I don't care if you're scared of heights or not.
Everyone is scared of something.
I'm scared of bugs.."
I laughed.
"I know, Jongin-ah told me already..
I love you too and I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you that earlier".
He smiled and kissed me again.

Everyone have them, it's nothing worse,but  you can't let them decide how your life's going.
You can fight them, step by step.

"But Luhan Hyung, I really don't care if you're scared of heights or not, you'll still come with me to the amusement park".
The smaller smiled.
"Arasso. And what do you think about choosing bugs as project theme in biology?"

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