Chapter 33 Perfection

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I had Davidson with me.

I was in love with Davidson


Elina is bewildered at the fact that she'd recently learnt from her assistant.

and it is not that 'Angel is not only rich but also very strong especially when trained assistant like Samantha says that at least 'Angel is brave and strong enough to fight with the devils of the society where in she was only doing a subtle job in keeping her safe from so called guardians of the law of the society.

This clue was easy enough for her to finally locate who this damn 'Angel is.

She is trained with martial arts, good in hand to hand too, now tracing her through her frequent visits to the site 'Angel land is also easier.

'Angel might not visit the site anytime soon but surely she cannot keep herself away from protecting little girls who were molested by her to be victims like Samantha denies to stop help helping 'Angel as her quote of taking revenge against the xy chromosomes occupiers of the society.

Again how many gymnasiums were there in town left for the elite class people? Again girls that are feisty and fiery are most easily recognizable. She is also young something between 20 to 25 as the way Samantha addresses her, she is younger than her.

Though the clues and recent leads that she had achieved that could make her work much easier, Elina has no courage left to continue with the case, at least for the time span.

Elina is been tossing and curling throughout the dark night waiting for the killer headache that had already started knocking at her temples.

She had already switched off her irritating mobile phone which had been ringing incredulously since the failure of the mission.

She intends not to talk to her senior authorities or give explanations about the failure when she herself is glad at the moment that the operation was a failure.

Thanks to Samantha.

She is right when he says that the biggest of the security agencies of the world cannot ace care of the devils of the society then there is an 'Angel needed in every society and if the law providers prefer to work for the nefarious she was happy to work for the 'Angel in her own illegitimate way.

Elina supported her thought but couldn't acknowledge it in front of her. She simply wanted some time aloof to herself, to think.

She had already sent her application of leave to her higher authorities praying it for once to be accepted. Touched by what Samantha had been through she doesn't want to have happy moments for herself and therefore even ignores the most awaited call of her boyfriend who hasn't given up since past two hours.

She simply rests her elbow over her eyes trying to block away the atrocities and the evilness of the life.

Davidson's pov

Davidson's pov

Damn! I did not want to use that creepy protective sheet. I wanted to have fully and completely without any boundaries but I need to be careful. With so much having happened in her life, she was fragile and had barely been normal kind of.. For a while and to add to risks of added pregnancy was a burden.

Was love accompanied with a sense of resposiblity?

Or we love so much that we care...

Now I understand exactly what Liza intended to say when she said that Lina's husband traveled with her, he loves her, cares for her and accepts her unconditionally.

Love Beneath The Darklines(completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz