Chapter 30

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I wake up still in Scott's bed. I was sprawled on the bed and I notice that Scott wasn't there. I roll over to look at his digital clock on his nightstand and was shocked to see the time. I rub my eyes and read it again.

12:30? I can't remember the last time I've slept that late. Guess I really needed it. Okay. Time to get up.

I sit up and stretch. I could hear the bones in my back and shoulders crack. I climb out of Scott's bed and make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I hear Mitch singing a song that I've never heard.

Once he saw me he immediately stopped singing the song.

"Good morning sunshine. Or should I say good afternoon." Mitch says with a smirk.

"Very funny." I say sarcastically.

I slide into one of the chairs of the kitchen island and observe Mitch cutting up something that I've never seen before.

"What are you cutting?" I ask trying to look over his shoulder.

"Tofu. It's for lunch."

I disgusting expression spreads across  my face. Mitch looks at it and rolls his eyes.

"Have you even had tofu before?" He asks.


"Then how do you even know you like it if you don't even know what is taste like. "

"Fine I'll try it. But if it don't like it I'm spitting it out. Just warning you."

He chuckles at that and continues doing whatever he was doing.

"Where's Scott?" I ask.

"In his office working. Go tell him that lunch will be ready in 15 minutes."

"Where's his office?"

"The room next to the living room."

God damn this house has so many rooms.

I walk out of the kitchen and to the office. The melodic sound of a piano grew louder as I approached the room.

The door was cracked open. I peeked inside and saw Scott on a black grand piano playing something. I noticed he was wearing that dark gray beanie Mitch bought him when Mitch took me shopping.

Must've been Mitch's anniversary gift to Scott.

He stopped to type something on his iPad that was settled on the stand of the piano,then continued playing. When he stopped again, I knocked on the door. He turns towards my knocking.

"Oh look who decided to get up." Scott says.

I roll my eyes and approach him.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Working on something."

"On what?"

"Well wouldn't little miss nosy want to know." Scott says flashing that famous smile of his.

"Yes I do that's why I asked."

"Well this is still hush hush but Pentatonix is coming out with an album."

"Can I get a sneak peek?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

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