♢The Aftermath|Mad Love♢

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//Chapter 10: The Aftermath//


The next day you woke up to the beautiful sun shining through the hotel room and the birds chirping as you gracefully woke up and stretched your arms, giving off an elegant yawn.


You groaned as the "beautiful sun" lit straight through you eyes and the "birds chirping" were actually your alarm clock from you phone that was on max volume, scaring the shit out of you and you struggled to get out of bed.

It was too cold and your blankets were warm. It also hurt like hell. Your bruises were still there and your whole body was sore, too painful to stretch. Your hair was a mess and you didn't even need a mirror to know that you looked like a screeching monkey when you yawned.

As you pushed yourself out of bed, you walked toward your bathroom and cleaned yourself up. The hot water was kind of soothing as it eased your pains a little.

You got yourself dressed as you took the bag with the dress you wore last night, planning on returning it to Stacey today.

Just thinking of her already made you happy.

You go down the elevator and find yourself walking towards a small cafe within the lobby of the hotel.

A hostess sits you down and brings you a glass of water.

"A waitress will be right with you." She says before returning to the entrance.

Within minutes, a waitress comes to you.

"Hi my names is Marie, what can I get you today?" She asked.

"Hi, I'd like an onion bagel with extra lox and onions please. That's it." You mumbled, without looking at the menu.

Fuck the menu, you ate whatever you felt like eating at the moment, and you wouldn't let the menu sway you otherwise, for you would probably end up ordering everything.

She nods without writing it down as she yells your order into the kitchen.

"Good morning, I am Jumin Han from Mystic News reporting about a mysterious disappearance of 800 people yesterday at the Grand Hotel." A voice from the TV of the cafe walls speaks.

"All of the people were invited to the Grand Hotel's banquet, including the former mayor of York New, and other important people. However, around midnight, a janitor working at that hotel said that it was far too quiet for a party so he went in the too to check on it, and he was shocked to find that the chairs and tables were out of place and on top of each other. However, there was not a single person in there and no traces of blood or bodies were found. No footage in the surveillance cameras were found. Investigators are currently investigating this case." The reporter continues.

"Luckily we checked to this hotel instead of Grand! Couldn't afford it anyway!" A loud man sitting at the back of the cafe with beer in his cup laughs as some laughed but others shivered.

However, you were confused. You were pretty sure you forgot to clean up yesterday, and even though it was a bad mistake and you should be relieved that no one found out, it scared you as you wondered what happened.

You shrugged it off as Marie came back with your bagel.

After that you raced down to ☆Starry Night☆.

You walked in and scanned for Stacey.

"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouts out.

You looked to the source and smiled.

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