Wedding chat (chat 2)

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Klaus has posted a new video to chat

Klaus: Look at my lovely Caroline.

Caroline: When did you even take that?!?!!!?

Katherine: He has eyes everywhere Caroline.

Elena: I think it is cute Care.

Klaus: Caroline I have cameras set up around the house.

Rebekah: WAIT! We have cameras set up around the house and I wasn't told.

Kol: Oh was that the thing I was supposed to tell her. Oops. I guess it just slipped right out of my mind.

Rebekah: I am gonna kill you Kol.

675-245-5652: Why the bloody hell am I here?

Stefan: ???

Elena: ????

Caroline: Who the hell is that?

675-245-5652: It is me Enzo.

Damon: I put him in the chat.

Enzo: So Caroline. You look ravishing in that blue dress.

Caroline has left the chat

Klaus: Look what you did mate. You made my Caroline leave.

Enzo: Since when has she been your Caroline.

Klaus: Since forever now leave before I rip your head off.

Enzo: Who even are you?

Klaus: Klaus Mikealson.

Enzo has left the chat

Caroline has joined the chat

Caroline: Is he gone?

Bonnie: Yep he is gone.

Caroline: Thank God.

Elena: Caroline where is my dress?????

Caroline: Hanging up in your closet.

Elena: Okay, I have 1 hour to get my dress on and make sure not to ruin my hair or make up. Let's do this.

Caroline: Let's get this day over with.

A/n hey guys next week I have 5 tests so I won't be able to post anything so I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, and comment.


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