Wedding Day (chat 1)

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Stefan: Caroline, where the hell is my suit?

Caroline: Downstairs hanging up on the coat rack. Why?

Stefan: Well because I went in my closet to get it and it wasn't there.

Elena: Stefan stop texting Caroline. She is doing my hair.

Stefan: Sorry Elena.

Rebekah: Caroline the flowers came. What do I do with them?

Bonnie: Caroline says to put the flowers on all the near all the ends of the chairs and then put 2 near the alter.

Rebekah: Alrighty.

Klaus: Caroline?

Caroline: Yes, Klaus.

Klaus: Will you be my date to the wedding?

Caroline: Klaus.....

Klaus: Caroline come on it is just one night.

Caroline: Fine just for today.

Klaus: See you later, Caroline.

Klaus has left the chat

Caroline: Men....

A/n: hey guys decided to update earlier so hope you enjoy there will be 4 parts for the wedding chat

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