"So... this aunt of yours that we're going to visit, is she close to you?" Yuan asked.

"What do you mean by the word close?" I asked back at him while I was mindlessly fiddling the keychain on my backpack beside me.

"Well you know, close like... you talk to her a lot, you send letters to her and stuff. You know, like she's close to you, like you tell her things whenever you can't tell things to your mom or even me," Yuan answered.

"Hm... well. Not really, I guess. Actually, I haven't seen her for a long time already" I said.

"Wow, a reunion. Splendid," Yuan commented back.

"Yeah... wow," I chuckled as I've rest my head on the table while glancing at the window outside.

Time passes by fast.

Before you knew it, your mother who have given birth to you would have grown old already, that best friend in high school that you used to talking to every night and day would be a stranger now, and before you knew it... you've already lost half of the people that you've used to know like the back of your hand before.

Time always goes great with the word change.

"Hey I'm totally sure that were here," Yuan whispered as he tried to wake me up by tugging the hem of my jacket, which totally did the job since I actually jolted up in surprise.

Apparently, I have fallen asleep earlier while I was glancing at the window.

* * *

"When is the bus coming?" I asked for the 5th time as we've waited at the waiting shed a few miles away from the train station.

I stood up from my seat, removed my backpack and placed it beside Yuan who is too preoccupied with fanning himself as the heat continues its effortless did of trying to evaporate us.

I've stepped out of the waiting shed and instantly felt the warmth of the sun touched my skin. I glanced to my left and right, in which where the empty one lane road lies, and it continues on and on to the horizon. The heat, visible at the far horizon of the road, toasting the pavement.

"MR. BUS DRIVER! WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO GET US?" I shouted in a rather, frustrated manner at the long empty road in front of me out of boredom. I listened as my annoying voice echo out into the air, scaring the birds away.

"It wouldn't come today, it only passes by this road once a week," an old man's voice spoke.

My eyes widen as I've realized that there was actually a stranger who has witnessed me shouting.

One last time, Into the field of SunflowersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora