"You haven't been a terrible friend at all, Albert just needs a little more attention than I do," Sophia smirks and I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"Emily? What are you doing in here?" Albert's voice startles me and I almost spill my drink back to my cup.

"Albert, I.. I came here to talk to you.." I look at Sophia and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"Let's go to my room then," Albert doesn't let me finish the sentence and I follow him upstairs looking one last time at Sophia.

"Good Luck," Sophia mouths to me and I give her a small smile.


Albert lets me go in his room first. He holds a hard and tired expression with no anger behind it.

"I want to apologise.-" I start.

"You have nothing to apologise for." Albert interrupts me closing the door behind him and siting on the edge of his bed.

"I do actually," I step in front of him. "Yesterday you said you didn't want me in your life anymore," I say and as I remember his words in my head, every syllable beats against my chest even if I'm the one saying them now.

"You are moving to New York in three weeks. You can't just not go with your parents and stay here, how ridiculous is that?" Albert says with a cold expression staring at a blank space behind me.


"Fuck.. Don't cry, Emily." He approaches to me slowly reaching to my cheek.

I back away a little and his eyes widen.

"Don't back away from me." His eyes hold a hurt expression, his tone is serious but comes more into a whisper as he approaches to me and cups my my cheek.

He continues his way along the dark circle under my eyes and I blink rapidly by his sweet touch.
Before I can think what to say next, he crashes his lips against mine and cups my cheeks with both hands to hold me still.

He instantly sets fire to my insides with waves of electricity. I feel my heart racing on my chest as he possessively pushes me backwards to fall on his mattress and he straddles me deepening the kiss.

"Don't leave me, please." He breathes heavier as he kisses my neck.

"How can you go from saying you don't love me to telling me to stay with you?" I breathe as he lifts the hem of my shirt and grasps my skin.

"I.. I don't know." He breathes nibbling my swollen lip.

"I just can't understand you. In a second you push me away and tell me things to hurt me on purpose and in another you kiss me and beg me to stay with you." Albert leaves his straddling position and stands up giving me space to sit in front of him.

"I don't know how to deal with you, you just drive me so fucking mad all the time. You keep pushing my buttons. When I found out you were going away, I got scared."

"Scared of what?" Is he referring to his somnambulism?

"Of losing you." He says in a lower voice and his eyes briefly meet mine.

"Albert you're going to lose me, just stop pushing me away."

"You know that I don't want you to go, don't you? I don't know who I am without you anymore," He looks into my eyes and I cup his cheeks with my hands.

"So just stop proving me the opposite. Please, Albert, tell me to stay."


"I don't want me to move to New York. I don't care, I will just stay here," my voice parts as I look desperately into his eyes. "Tell me you need me here with you, tell me you love me too much to let me go." I plead looking at his deep brown eyes. "Please just tell me that and I won't leave. I'll stay here with you, I'll fight against my family and I'll stay with you." I'm on my toes and only a few inches from his parted lips.

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