Assassin (A Star Wars Fan-Fiction)

Start from the beginning

I held my breath, and so did everyone else. The look in the twi'lek's eyes gave no indication as to which way she was leaning towards in this decision. The beat of my heart grew louder and I swore I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Following protocol, Danik stepped back so that it was only me Zendara was facing. He taught me their Code; I knew that when a member was about to be punished or accepted the others had to step back and give plenty of space to the leader. I hate to admit it....but for the first time in a long time....I was scared.

The kindness suddenly erased from her pupils and she raised her hand, as if she was about to slap me. It took all of my will-power not to flinch. Danik did his part in teaching me that when you were punished by the leader, you needed to accept your punishment with pride. Fear rushed through my veins and I realized that I had failed.

Danik mentioned that if you hadn't achieved the proper goals that the leader set for you during the Test of Submission, the leader would punish you, letting you know that you weren't welcome into the group now or ever. This would've been the first time those rules would be followed. My heart shattered, but I tried to hide the shock of my down-fall. I wouldn't be joining the Rancor Slayers.


"Silence, Gerge," Zendara snapped at a boy standing beside my brother. My brother's best friend. The boy was of the Nautolan species, had dark eyes that seemed to sparkle, pale green skin, and looked like he was my brother's age, possibly a few years younger. He was tall, probably six feet or more, and strong enough to snap a man's neck, though that was said to be only a rumor.

Gerge had his muscular arm wrapped around Danik's shoulders in a supportive manner. I was thankful for that, since my brother's face was as white as snow. I pitied him more than I pitied myself since this would be brutal for him to see his little sister fail the Test of Submission. Everyone who had done the test passed with flying colors and had joined the group, but me on the other hand....

I made a mental note to thank Gerge for his actions later after my beat-down.

"Zendara, if you're going to punish her, get it over with. Stop torturing Danik and Denali with this suspense," Gerge spat after another silent minute. My eyes never left Zendara's. Hopefully to her that was a sign of bravery on my part. She lifted her hand back, preparing for the strike. Danik looked away in shame.....

....when she dropped her hand to her side.

I stared at her in complete shock as a smirk slid across her lips. The twi'lek put her hands on her hips, showing just how pleased she was with my performance. I could breathe again, and so could my brother and the other Rancor Slayers. From the corner of my eye, I saw Gerge remove his hand from Danik's shoulder; Danik didn't need it anymore. Zendara stepped towards me, wrapped one of her long arms around my shoulder, and looked at the other Rancor Slayers that had gathered to witness my Test of Submission.

"Denali Bleway has shown us that she is an excellent sniper, amazing at hand-to-hand combat, and has demonstrated the fact that she can handle pain and loss," Zendara started, making my heart leap. I fought the urge to smile, knowing that smiling at a time like this would show weakness, would show that I wasn't mature. Zendara put her hand over my head, hovering less than an inch above my scalp.

"If there are any objections as to Denali Bleway joining the Rancor Slayers, please say so. For this is the only moment your words against her may be accounted for and taken to heart." Zendara continued. I could feel a knot form in my chest, the pressure of it all was nearly over-whelming. The mid-day Alderaan wind began to blow, the sun was directly above us. I could feel nervous sweat begin to drip down the back of my neck.

No one objected.

"And now, by the power vested in me, Zendara Deminso, leader of the Rancor Slayers, I now give you...." Zendara tied the traditional rancor-bone charm-necklace around my throat, making sure not to strangle me in the process, indicating that I was now truly a member of them.

The bone was in the shape of a blaster. Strangely enough, it looked like my new G3-57. But that couldn't be possible, I had just gotten my new blaster a few days ago. I know I should've been concerned about that, but I wasn't. I was too happy to care. I felt like crying tears of joy, but I knew I needed to stay strong. I'd save my tears of pure happiness for later. Zendara continued.

"Our newest scout, Denali Bleway, member of the Rancor Slayers."

Everyone cheered happily. Danik wasted no time running to me and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back with a huge, overjoyed smile on my face. He held me tightly.

"We have a family now," I whispered to him under my breath. He had a gleam in his eye that I had never seen, but I knew it was a good sign. It was happy even. Danik put his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them slightly, then nodded, speechless. But after a moment through the happy celebrating, he spoke.

"Yes, Denali. We do."

* * * * * * * * * *

So, that was the prologue! I hope you guys enjoyed it and continue to read my story!

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